DAY 10

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"Bye, babe." I waved at Hannah and went back to my car to drive home.


"I am home." I mumbled as I took my shoes off. "Y/N, I need you to sign these papers as well- "

I looked around, but I couldn't see her anywhere.

She must be sleeping.

I sighed and went upstairs to her bedroom.

"Y/N -" I called as I opened the door. "Are you - "

My heart sunk.

In the middle of the room, there she was, peacefully lying on the bed in her wedding dress on, red rose petals all around her, her face pale like snow.

"..Y/N?" I whispered softly as I approached her.

There was no answer.

"Y/N, this is not funny." I pursed my lips tightly and slowly reached out for her face.

Her skin was ice cold.

"Y/N...?" Then I saw a piece of paper in her hand which was adressed to me.

I carefully took it out and unfolded it.

Dear Jungkook,

Thank you for everything you have done for me. Thank you for always making me happy with your beautiful angelic smile, and thank you for always staying by my side even though I was just a useless woman who could do nothing but annoy you.

I know I hadn't been a good wife. I tried my best, but I could never satisfy you. I am sorry Jungkook, after all those things you have done for me, the only thing I could do was writing this piece of useless letter.

Last month, I went to to the doctor for a check-up and found out that I have a breast cancer - level 4. They couldn't do anything about it. It was too late.

As time went by, my health condition only got worse. I am sorry that I cooked the same soup every time, I tried to make your favorite dishes like lamb stew and pizza, but my body felt too weak to cook foods with lots of work.

And I am sorry for always annoying you with my voice, I always tried to speak less, but it didn't really work out. But as my health grew worse, my throat started to hurt very badly, so I couldn't speak, or swallow something.

I knew you would want to divorce me in the future. Hannah is a good woman, she's very kind and generous. She will make a better wife than me.

Forget about me, Jungkook. I am not worth remembering. I aways wanted to stay by your side, but I guess my fate doesn't agree with me. Live a happy life with Hannah. She'll make you happy.

I am sorry that I couldn't say goodbye to you properly, but always remember that I am by your side no matter how far apart we are from each other.

I love you, Jungkook. I am sorry that I couldn't make you happy. I love you.

P.S. Look under the bed.

I didn't realize tears were streaming down my face until I felt my shirt getting wet.

"Y/N..." I whispered through tears.

I never wanted to hear her voice again. But now, I was willing to give up everything just to hear her sweet, smooth voice calling my name.

I never wanted to taste her soup again. But now, it seemed like I wouldn't mind eating the same soup forever.

'Look under the bed'  her words from the letter ringed in my head.

I wiped off the tears and crouched down on the floor.

And I saw something red and soft sticking out on the edge.

I pulled it out.

It was a red scarf.

There was a short note stuck to it in Y/N's handwriting.

I am sorry that this is the only thing I can give to you before I leave this world. I only had pink and red yarn, but since you said you prefer red, I made it red. Please wear this and don't get cold. Be happy, Kookie!

With tears in my eyes, I looked over where Y/N lay silently.

I sat next to her and sobbed, holding her cold hand tigthly in my hand, begging her to come back. Telling her that I am sorry.

But she couldn't hear me.

And I knew it was too late.

I knew it was too late for me to have another chance to become a better husband. To love her better.

I regretted all the cruel things I had done to her. I regretted all those harsh words I had shouted at her.

I regretted telling her to shut up.

Her silence scared me.

JUNGKOOK FF | Silence [Short] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now