Chapter 20

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I landed with a grunt on my back. Once I was on the ground, I had no energy to get back up. I looked up and I could see the man and the woman were snarling and out of breath. We were all panting, trying to catch our breaths. I took this chance to start crawling towards the edge, but I was soon kicked from behind and collapsed.

I was still heaving in my breaths. I knew that I needed to get up, but my body hurt all over. I hadn't run that fast or hard in a long time.

"You put up one hell of a fight." The man said.

I rolled over to my side and I took a good look at the people who had come after us. The man had a bald head, with a thick brown beard to replace the loss of hair on his head. His eyes were a deep brown and his nose looked like it had been broken. He was well built, bigger than your average man. The woman had short blond hair in a pixie cut. Her eyes were blue and were as cold as ice. Her thin lips were pulled into a slight snarl. She had quite a slim build. They both had tight fitting clothes.

"I try my best." I panted out.

"Give us your bag. We want your food." The woman said, still out of breath as well.

"No. I need it." I replied, not wanting to give up my bag. It had more than just food in it. It had other supplies as well.

"Give it to us now." The man said as he flicked out a knife. I didn't want to mess with someone who had a knife, so I slowly took off my bag and handed it to them. They open it and see how much food is in there.

"That's enough to last us for over a week!" The woman said. "Where did you find it all?"

I didn't bother replying. I was just looking around to see if I could see Garth and Lizzie anywhere. But they were nowhere to be seen. The man thrusted the knife closer towards me when I didn't answer.

"Answer her when she is talking to you." The man snarled.

"We found it in a dairy outside of town. In the suburbs." I said, not wanting him to put the knife any closer.

They went through my bag more and found the torch, lighters, matches, water, rope and some clothes.

"Damn, you're stocked! I wonder how much your friends have." The woman said as she went to go and follow Garth and Lizzie. I was about to stop her when the man decided to instead.

"Babe, this is enough to last us over a week, like you said. We don't need to go after them." The woman sighed as she walked back over.

"Your friends aren't over there by the way. They must have ditched you." She laughed. I felt angry. They couldn't have left me. I had to get out of this one myself I guess.

"What should we do now? Should we leave? Or should we beat him senseless and then leave?" The man asks the woman.

"Do whatever you want. I'm taking this bag and I'm leaving before someone or something else shows up." The woman says before she starts to pack the contents back into the bag.

"Why do you never want to have some fun?" The man pouts. I slowly start to reach for my hidden knife as they are distracted.

"Because I want to get out of here before any of those monsters come by." She said as she finished packing up. I slipped my knife out and put it behind my back, still holding onto it.

"Fine. You go off and I will catch up." He said as he turned to me, cracking his knuckles. "We wouldn't want you following us, now would we?" A creepy grin made its way onto his face.

The man started to stalk towards me when the woman let out a gasp and there was a sickening crack. The man quickly turned around and I saw Lizzie standing there over the woman with her bat poised. The man came towards her and she swung her bat at his head. He easily ducked under it and lifted her up by the waist.

I stood up with my knife out and I watched him throw her to the ground. She groaned as she tried to get back up again. I quickly rushed up behind the man, my knife raised, ready to stab into his back. I was very close to stabbing him in the back when a gunshot rang out and the man's head whipped backwards, spraying fresh blood on me.

His body fell backwards on top of me and we tumbled to the ground. There was a thud as my head smacked against the ground. Blood was leaking out of his wound, spilling all over me. The blood was warm as it flowed out. I slowly managed to push the man off me.

I was still shocked that Garth had managed to shoot the man in the head. He just killed a living person. Not one that had be turned into a Rat, but a living, breathing, surviving human.

"Holy crap." Garth muttered. There was a look of complete shock on his face. "I just killed someone."

He just stood there with the gun still raised to where the man used to be. He was staring off into the sky.

"Garth, are you okay?" I asked him gently. He didn't respond. "Garth?"

There was a sudden loud bang as we heard Rats slam themselves against the roof access to this building.

"Guys, we gotta go!" Lizzie yelled as she threw me my bag. The woman was still groaning from the attack. She was still alive!

"We have to save her!" I yelled to Lizzie.

"We don't have any time." Garth said in a monotoned voice, before he took off running to the next building.

Lizzie and I give each other looks of fear and confusion. Suddenly, the roof access door burst open and eight Rats ran out. They instantly sniffed out the smell of fresh blood and ran towards us.

"Go!" Lizzie yelled to me and we sprinted off after Garth.

Adrenaline was pumping through my veins as I was once again running.


A/N: SORRY THAT THIS CHAPTER IS LATE I FORGOT THAT TODAY WAS WEDNESDAY BUT WHOOAAAA WE HIT 260 READS!!!! WHOO HOOO!!!! Soooooo what do you think will happen now? Will they get away? Will the Rats get one of them? Only I know!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

We have finally reached Chapter 20! I'm not exactly sure how many more chapters there will be until I end this story and start the next... But there will be a second book no doubt! I decided to go for writing a second book rather than a second part. 

I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Please vote and comment and stuff!!!! 

Happy reading!


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