She's not as nice as she seems

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Part 19

She's not as nice as she seems

I sneak out of Vincent’s house around four in the morning. I didn’t get much sleep, but I’m in so much bliss that I don’t think I’ll need it today. He’s going to be so angry when he realize I left, but I refuse to skip my morning training. My clothes are still spread in his bedroom as a reminder what we did. My legs are still quite weak from the experience.

I change into my wolf and start running back to Alpha Denwood’s house. My wolf wants to howl in happiness. I want to share it with the whole wide world. Everything will be okay, despite the whole mess with the Northwall Pack. Vince and I will figure everything out eventually. He knows my name, but I will have to tell him the real truth soon. There is no going back now. He’s mine and I am his forever. I make another sprint of joy at the thought.

I reach the house within minutes and I scan the area just to find an intruder in my bedroom. I chuckle and shift back into human form. I open the door quietly so I don’t wake up the snoring person sleeping on my bed. It feels good to return back and find my caring friend waiting for me. I quickly grab the bathrobe I threw on one of the chairs this morning and wrap it around me before entering my bedroom.

I walk up to Jason and push him off the bed with an evil grin.

“What the hell!” he yells drowsily when he lands on the floor with a bump.

“You should have heard me long before I entered the house,” I smirk back at him with my hands crossed over my chest.

He climbs up onto the bed again and starts sniffing the air. “You are smelling like that idiot. Don’t tell me you had sex with him!”

I roll my eyes but he blocks my hit this time. “I don’t need anyone’s approval to sleep with my mate, do I?”

“Take a shower, you stink!” He scrunches up his nose and the thought of me and Vincent together clearly disgusts him.

“I will,” I start saying. “If you tell me about your date with Carlie.”

His eyes gets softer when he thinks of her. “She’s crazy and completely untameable.”

He gets lost in la la land and I wave my hand in front of his eyes. I feel a little bit jealous. I wish my mate felt like this for me when we met. I need to ask him about it next time I see him.

“I guess those qualities are good?” I question him.

“Definetly,” he smiles. “She won’t make our life boring. You need to take a shower before I throw up!”

I laugh and lock myself into the bathroom. It’s a shame that I have to wash off Vincent’s smell. Everyone will know what we did last night if I don’t. I want to keep some things private. Just imagine Gretel’s reaction if she found out. I shudder at the thought. I feel sorry for whoever gets her as a mother in law.

Jason is gone when I return and he had been nice enough to clean up after himself. Not a single trace in the room tells that he was here for most of the night, besides the faint smell of him that is lingering in the air.

I hear Carlie leave her house and I dress quickly so I can join her. Everyone is there a few minutes later when I join them, perfectly in time. Carlie is glowing and it makes me wonder if I am glowing just as much. She’s tired and I bet she didn’t get much sleep either, but from a different reason than me.

“Let’s focus and wash away all thoughts of our mates from our brains,” I start with and the boys breaks out laughing because they haven’t found their mates yet. “You’ll stop hating me after a few weeks when you can run long without getting tired.”

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