Chapter 21

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Alright, deep breaths. There's nothing to be anxious about. You're just going on a date with Flame, it's not like you're having tea with the queen! Just be yourself and relax.

Umber was having a hard time keeping still as he waited for Flame in the cafeteria. An hour ago the place had been buzzing with activity as dragons rushed to get their breakfast and leave but now the place was still. Row upon rows of empty chairs at empty tables stretched from wall to wall. A few of dragons shuffled between the tables with brooms, eyeing Umber curiously.

Umber tried to look at ease but ultimately failed as he kept searching around room, waiting for Flame to appear. He shuffled his wings again, adjusting the little satchel tucked beneath the membrane that contained Flame's gift.

The more Umber thought about it, the more he wished he had just given Flame the gift yesterday. Even though he had put a lot of time and effort into making it, it certainly wasn't anything fancy. He didn't want to be getting Flame's expectations up just to see his disappointed face at the end.

No! Stop thinking like that! You're not making yourself any less nervous!

He had been waiting for less than five minutes but already the paranoia was setting in.

Did I come too early? Dang it, when did he say he would be done of his session? Maybe he got held up and is going to be late?

A hundred scenarios flooded Umber's brain until he saw a familiar lithe silhouette enter the cafeteria. The MudWing released a sigh of relief as Flame spotted him and, with a large grin, came bounding over. The relief soon turned to butterflies as his heart began to pound to the rhythm of Flame's steps.

"Hey, MudWing," Flame greeted, giving Umber a playful shove. "Ready for the best day of your life?"

Umber shoved back, matching Flame's confident smile. It was hard to be anxious when Flame was smiling.

"I was hatched ready." Umber squared his shoulders and clenched his talons in dramatic determination. Flame snorted in amusement before letting out a massive yawn.

"Sorry," Flame apologized and shook himself from snout to tail. "I got up early today to do some gardening."

Umber's ears flickered in confusion and he scrunched up his snout. "You were gardening? Since when do you garden?"

Flame groaned and lifted his wings in exasperation. "It's this stupid punishment thing I have to do for ditching Ibis that night. Usually I go in the evenings but I thought it would be better to get it out of the way for today." He then perked. "BUT the good news is that I just have to do it for a week and I don't have to have that crazy bitch around."

Ah, so that's why Ibis isn't around anymore. Umber had been there when Zephyr had essentially told Ibis to 'get lost' but he hadn't realized the SandWing had been permanently removed from Flame's presence.

"Anyway, enough of this boring chit-chat. Let's get going!" Flame insisted while he eagerly began to nudge Umber out of the large archways.

"Alright, alright! I'm going." Umber laughed and swatted Flame's pushy talons away. As they headed out to the garden Umber couldn't help but notice how excited Flame seemed to be. "So does this good mood of yours mean you have a plan all made up?" The MudWing smirked.

Flame released on offended huff. "Well I told you I did! Honestly Umber, if you keep giving me that attitude of yours I am going to have to teach you a lesson."

The suggestive lilt in the SkyWing's voice made Umber trip on his own talons. When he righted himself he was blushing intensely. "What do you mean by that?"

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