1. bitten

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What? Who? Where am I?

I sighed as I realised it was just my alarm

I jumped up and ran into my bathroom and i took a shower and got out putting on some undergarments and then I put on a shirt with jeans and trainers with my glasses

I went downstairs and grabbed a donut and some water and then i headed out

I started my walk of hell which was 20 minutes to the school and by the time i got there I finshed my water

I'll get more from the canteen

As the school got closer i saw everyone walking in and i joined the crowd getting to my locker and then I saw my best friend Lydia and i jumped on her back

'Hey gurl' i said

'Hey wanna hang out after school' she asked

'I got work' i said

'Ugh why do you work' she said

'Unlike you i dont have parents and I need to feed myself' i said

'Move in with me' she said sad

'Your parents hate me how about I come to your house after work' i said

'Yessss' she said and then i heard clicking and clacking

'Ugh jessica' i whispered as she walked down the hallway with her little minions in slow motion

'About fucking time' Lydia said as she went and the bell rang

'Ugh math' i said

'Worse i got history' she said

'Why do we need to learn about history they are dead anyway' i said and we walked out separate ways until we heard a car pull up more specifically a buggati

Asher king

'Forget that' i said walking to my locker and grabbing my math notebook and a pen and sitting down in the back opening my note book and doodling on it until the class filled and the teacher came

'Alexa winters' the teacher said taking the register

'Here' i said

'Asher king' she said

'Is he here' she said

Clearly not bitch

Just then the door slammed open

Spoke to soon alex

'Here' he said and sat down to his best friend liam

When did he get here

Well then let's see what awaits us for a long day

'The bell rang and i ran out and went to Lydia'

'We have lunch' she said

'Yep' i said

We walked in and saw Asher and jessica making out while his friends were with girls but xavier was just on his phone

'That's why I like him' Lydia said

'Xaviers just more laid back' i said and we sat down


'HOME TIMEEE' I yelled and Lydia hugged me

'Go home straight after work i have to go out' she said

'Out you mean out of town for weeks' i said

'For a few months' she said and i pouted

'Tonight, I'm not going into work' i said

'Don't, just go I'll be back on the week ends' she said and hugged me

'Call me and text me' i said

'How can i not bestie' she said and hugged me

'My dad's waiting bye' she said and i hugged her again and walked the other way

I went to my locker and put all of my note books in and grabbed ny English and math for my home work and then when I turned around i saw jessica and Asher kissing violently again

It looked like they were going to kill each other by kissing

I rolled my eyes and went out of school and started walking to the cafè i work at

Now your wondering where my parents are.

They were killed by my brother

Yep a brother

I remember like it happened yesterday

I was 13 and he was 17 and i was packing to visit my aunt here in california and my parents were waiting for my brother

For the past 2 months he was out of control

Smoking, drinking, drugs, he even joined a gang called the cazadores and then the door slammed open scaring me

Just then i heard screaming shouting and things breaking and then 2 guns shots

I opened my door and went downstairs and saw my brothers back turned around and my parents dead on the floor bleeding

'It's done' i heard his voice and i grabbed my passport and boarding pass and i ran upstairs and then I heard his footsteps

I locked the door and i grabbed the bag i packed and i jumped down and and he broke down the door

'ILL FIND YOU ALEX' he yelled

'THAT THREAT IS WEAK LIKE YOU JONATHAN' I yelled running away and i ran all the way to the airport and got on my flight here and met up with my aunt

But a year ago she was killed

She was killed protecting me but I managed to flee and get an apartment

I've been trying to find Jonathan

But what am i going to do

Hug him and tell him he's won the best brother award

Fuck no

The cafè then came and i walked in and saw my boss

'Alex your here' she said hugging me

'Melissa' i said

'Ok darling go serve table 32 and make some more donuts' she said and i nodded and then served table 32 and sat down

'Ok bye alexs here's the keys sorry i have to leave you've got my number call me if there's a problem bye kiddo' Melissa said

Yep as i predicted

Long day

I put my apron away and cleaned the counter and realised how quiet it was

When it hit 9 o clock i grabbed the keys and walked out and closed the shop down

Wednesday, Thursday and fridays i close the shop

2 more days of closing the shop

I started walking to my apartment

I was walking and i slipped and felt down and dropped the keys to the shop in the woods


I pulled out my phone and put the flash light on and started looking for it when I heard a twig break

Oh god hurry up and find it alex

I found the keys and turned the flash light off and then I heard a growl

I turned around and something jumped on me

'AHHHH' I screamed as it bit me and ran away

I got up and started running holding my stomach and didn't look back until i reached my apartment

I walked to my bathroom and saw a huge bite mark and i whimpered

I pulled my shirt off and grabbed some rubbing alcohol and a huge band aid and then cleaned the bite and put the band aid on and i brushed my teeth and went to bed

What the fuck just bit me......

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