Update: November 30, 2017

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Hi Everyone!

As you know, it's been quite some time since FATUM was first posted on Wattpad and there is still no sequel.  I've discussed the various reasons for that in a previous post.  Since it has been so long since I've actually written anything, I decided that it might be smart to practice by rewriting the first chapter from Gabe's point-of-view before actually attempting to write the sequel.

I've felt so much insecurity and hesitation in beginning the next book and really questioned whether I even had the ability to write anymore.  I am relieved to tell you that while rewriting the first part of Chapter 1 was hard, and sometimes even painful, it was also amazing!  Once I started writing it felt as natural as it did all those years ago when I wrote FATUM.  And being in Gabe's head?  SO. MUCH. FUN.

So,  if you're interested, please click through to the next part to read Chapter 1, Part 1 as told by your favorite city boy and mine: Gabriel Valente.  

I will be finishing the chapter and posting it soon as well, however, I would like to know what you think.  Should I keep going and write the next book, or have I lost my touch?

I've said it before, but I can never say it enough:  THANK YOU for your continued support all of these years.  Your votes and comments bring a smile to my face like nothing else does, and sometimes even to tears.  I'd also like to thank Wattpad for briefly showcasing FATUM as a Featured Story earlier this year.  It was such an honor and I am truly so grateful.

Take care guys!


Gabriel & Athena, Book One: Fate  (A Wattpad Featured Story)Where stories live. Discover now