Part 2: Divergent Paths

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Morning came, Ephraim had fallen asleep without noticing it, and he looked that the man wasn't near him anymore, he quickly stood up and turned around, and at the distance he saw the red scarf of the man, for the first time he noticed the silver and worn armor he was wearing, it looked in his eyes like a beaten, pathetic saint, someone who needed help but was kind, someone weathered down by the years, Ephraim walked towards him.

" Sir what are you doing? "

" Wondering why I'm still alive... "

" Well that's because I applied bandages, fed you and gave you water through the night... "

" eh... Thanks... but you don't get it, a kid won't understand... "

" understand what? I'm sure if you explained it, I could try... "

" You are a naive child, you need to grow up or this world will swallow you whole... "

" You should be the one to man up,  I saved you twice, that means I've grown up, but you haven't.. "

* The man cracks into laughter *

" What is so funny? "

" Did your parents never taught you how to treat your elders? "

" My parents taught me a lot of things, including how to properly give thanks, it seems you weren't taught that, and as far as I can see, I dont see white hairs in your head... "

" Well brat... you are a cocky little bastard, aren't ye? Little man tell me... why did you save me?... why didn't you just run away? you know the beast is near, right? "

" It was how my parents taught me, I can't leave someone who needs help alone, if  I had left, you would have died, and I would have to carry that burden for the rest of my life... "

" aaah... I see... but kid, kindness can be a double edged sword.... are you sure you won't regret this choice? "

" Why should I regret it? "

" Yes you are right... you did good, your parents raised you good... "

" Yes they are amazing... "

"So tell me, what you gonna do now? "

" I don't know Mister, first of all I wan't to know your name, I was expecting that you would have a plan... "

" My name is Konrad... Konrad of Ulfinger..."

" My Name is Ephraim, Ephraim of Alabasta, Alabasta means holy in our native dialect, isn't it amazing? "

"Yes it is... No wonder you are who you are..."

"What does Ulfinger means?"

" Nothing... nothing important... "

" aaah I see, I'm sorry to hear that... "

" You must not... "

" Ok... "

 * The wind started to blow, swiftly among them both, not cold nor warm it was a wind with no substance, it went through the armor of the man, waving his air and silencing everything else, the kid did not feel at ease though, there was something wrong, at first he had the impression he was something like a saint, now he could not distinguish what he was, the face denoted guilty, but also compassion, but compassion towards what? to him? why?.... but he didn't want to ask anything *

" So kid, where do you live? why are you here? you've been lost for a night, your parents must be looking for you.. "

" My house is in the town, a bit far away but in a few hours I'll be able to get there, what about you? where do you live? why were you here?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2014 ⏰

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