I'll buy you a Twinkie

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Chapter 10

"What the fuck am I going to do?" Gabe yelled as soon as his sister had left the room.

"Well, first off you need to calm down," Quent replied, seemingly remarkably unfazed by the whole situation. Although, to be fair it wasn't his world that was currently crashing down around him.

"It might not be that bad. Your sister seemed pretty okay with the whole thing. Your Mom might actually be more accepting than you think," He continued in a reassuring tone.

"That's not the problem here! I've never come out to anyone before ever, not even to myself in my head. How can I expect other people to accept me when I can't even deal with it myself? I'm not ready to let people know about something like that, I'm not confident enough to let people see the real me. What if this changes everything? What if when I reveal the real me, people won't like me or respect me anymore? If I tell Mom, then she'll tell everyone else because she can't keep a secret to save her life, then everyone at school will find out, and then they'll all hate me, and then you'll hate me because you won't be able to deal with all the bullying, and then you'll go away and leave me all alone," he ended, borderline hysterically.

Quent didn't know what to say, so he just went on impulse and reached over and wrapped Gabe up in a massive hug.

"Firstly," He said softly, his voice slightly muffled from leaning in to Gabe,

"I would never hate you. And neither will anyone else. You're still the quarterback, the captain of the football team, the school hero. Plus you're like the biggest guy in school, I pity any potential bullies. From what I know about you, I know that anyone should feel lucky to see the real you, and if they don't... fuck them."

"But..." Gabriel whispered, "I'm scared. Maybe when I open up this side of me all sorts of other things will come out as well. Things I don't want to think about. And what will Dav think? I don't know what I'd do if my own best friend didn't accept me. We've known each other since we were toddlers."

"If he's known you for that long, then I'm sure he'll accept you. I know. Let's call him now. You need to practise telling people anyway, and who better than someone sure to accept you? Sound okay?"

"Fine," said Gabriel, who was obviously extremely distressed since he'd never normally agree to something like that.

They called the number, Gabe anxious and slightly excited at the same time. Eventually Dav answered.

"Yep. Sup Gabe?" He asked in his usual laid back voice.

"Well, there's something I've wanted to tell you for a while now. But first I want to know that no matter what it is, you'll still stay friends with me," Gabe confirmed, nervously fiddling with one of the blankets on the bed he was sitting on.

"Of course man. We're bro's, dude, you know that!"

"Great. Well, what I've been meaning to say is...I'm gay." He uttered, stuttering a little on the word gay.

"Yeah, I know dude, what is it you wanted to say?" Dav casually replied.

"I'm not sure you heard me right," Gabe explained. "I'm GAY. As in, I like guys."

"Yeah, I know that. What, you expected something different? I've known you since you were two. You think I didn't know something that important?"

"But...but how?" Gabe stammered. "How long have you known?"

"Oh, about a year and a half now. Remember Felicity Barnes' party, that time when I couldn't drink, and you got totally smashed so I took you home?"

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