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All of the room was still rumbling as I moved towards the basement. Blood, my dog, was yelping at me. His red fur shimmered as he turned and bolted to the trapdoor. My mother was standing at the door, arms crossed, looking up at the sky
"This cyclone will be one of the worst ever," she said thoughtfully, lost in her own thoughts.
"Mother, I will get the rest of the food and animals, you go down stairs," I say to her. Before hearing her reply, I run back into the lounge area. I pick up Blood's sister, Ruby and my cat Andrew. I turn and walk back to the basement. As I put them down there, Blood comes up with me.

I turned towards the kitchen area, I started picking up canned food and other goods, I turned and gave these to my Mother.
"Hugo, come down now, this is enough," My mother said.
"One more thing!" I said dashing off again with Blood at my heels. I race to my bedroom, open my door and go straight to the photograph of my father, sitting on my bedside table. As I pick it up and turn when I hear Blood yelping. The wall of my bedroom fell apart and wind and rain gushed in.

I grabbed Blood and threw him out my door, closing it after him. The wind poured in and I was swept away, still holding the photo of my father, hearing over the roar of the wind the baying of Blood

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