Author's Note: September 2021

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Hey!  Where did the story go?  Where did the other two stories in the trilogy go?

Greetings!  I know I've been MIA for a while.  During that time I started editing The Asset, adding three new chapters and making other important changes.  I sent the updated manuscript to an editor, and we're now working on polishing the story even more so I can start the query process in the hopes to publish the trilogy.  

The chapters in this sample are the edited version, including one of the new chapters and the introduction of a new character.  We don't know much about Jackson yet, but we'll certainly learn more in the future.

Thanks to everyone who has read, voted, an commented on this series!  Your support has meant the world to me!  

The Asset  (Asset Series #1) - SAMPLEWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu