Chapter Five

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"Well, well, what do we have here?"

Immediately my body tensed up, my spine stiffening from the chill that shot through me. That voice... It was rich and melodious, yet even I, oblivious as I can be, could pick up the dangerous edge that lurked behind it.

"Master Aro... We found the traitor Gustavo and he has been dealt with. However, before we could handle him, it came to our attention that he had attacked and exposed himself to this human female." I heard the boy, Alec, inform the man. "We have brought her to you, as per the rules."

I stayed as still as I could, trying to regulate my breathing and quiet my whimpers of pain. My eyes remained fixed on the stone flooring beneath me. Human female? What the hell else could I be?

"Ah, meraviglioso! Now, now... What to do with you?" The man clearly spoke towards me but I kept my eyes down and my mouth shut, dampening any noises of pain. "May I see your hand, young one?"

Footsteps echoed throughout the room as he moved forward. My hand? Does this creep have a hand fetish?

"Hm?" He prompted me. I refused to relinquish my hand, neither of them. My right hand clutched at my shoulder, whilst my bruised left hand rested limply on my lap.

The man, Aro, sighed in disappointment and made a tutting sound.

"Is she really worth it? The human's clearly a scared little coward." A new voice spat out harshly. I felt my anger and frustration begin to bubble up inside me.

"Felix?" The first man said.

The brawny man, Mr Big, or Felix as I now knew, moved so quickly I could barely register what happened. He fisted a cold hard hand in my curls, gripped them tight and yanked my head back, giving me no other option but to look at my captors as I cried out in pain. My vision was still a little blurred and unfocused from all the rough manhandling I had been victim to.

Despite this, my eyes flew up in anger, flickering over the tall man stood a few meters in front of me, and glancing at two other men sat on thrones - thrones?! - behind him.

"I am not scared, I am in pain, you assholes!" I exclaimed with a hiss, causing Felix to tighten his grip and drawing another whimper from me. I could feel the water building up in my eyes, and could only hope I wouldn't start crying in front of these men. My sudden bravado faded almost as quickly as it had come.

"Actually... That's a lie. I am scared, totally and utterly terrified and pretty much crapping myself, but I don't think I can really be to blame for that one." I continued to babble in a teary manner, the odd hiccuping sob breaking through. It was due to this that I failed to notice the look of shock on the three men's faces when I had made brief eye contact with their creepy as hell red eyes.

"No!" Sharp hisses and gasps tore from the three men's throats as they leapt to their feet.

"Release her! Adesso!" The taller dark haired man thundered out, his deep voice reverberating throughout the hall. I felt Felix loosen his stone grip on my hair and, with a wince, managed to catch myself on my sore hands before I face planted the stone floor. Glancing up at him, I saw the large man's face was filled with confusion, the younger boy, Alec, clearly just as bewildered. Both seemed at a loss as to why their bosses had so suddenly had a major attitude flip.

Not that I could blame them. I was starting to wonder if I was having a very vivid hallucinogenic trip. They glanced at each other in a perturbed fashion before their gaze flickered to me. I could only shrug back at them lopsidedly, equally baffled.

"Leave us immediately." The older blonde man snarled at the creepy - Security? Guards? Mafia minions? - people that stood around the room. When they glanced at each other in confusion, faltering in their actions, the blonde's eyes seemed to darken unnaturally.

"Be gone! Muoversi!" He roared, his features twisted in a furious snarl. My body flinched away automatically in response to the dangerous sight, warning bells blaring in my head.

The room emptied within the second, as if the people had been nothing but a wisp of smoke. How the fuck is that possible?! We were left alone, the three men standing and staring at me in apparent shock, whilst I lay sprawled on my hands and knees. My poor tender wrist finally decided it had had enough abuse and buckled under me, toppling me to the side. I caught myself on my elbow, cursing in pain under my breath.

The men moved as if to rush forward but immediately lurched to a sudden stop when I threw myself back in a panic, scrambling away on my bottom.

"No! Don't - stay there! No touchy!" I glowered at the men, my breathing harsh and choppy. My right hand threaded through my curls and clutched at my head as I tried to take deep calming breaths. I eyed the men warily, refusing to take my eyes off them for a moment.

"Y'all plan on killing me then, or no? 'Cause I got places to go, people to see... Food to eat. Y'know the drill." I broke the silence awkwardly, chewing on my bottom lip. "And, well, I like being not dead. Kinda partial to that part to be honest."


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