45- tears.

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Onika's pov....

As soon as we got into the room he hugged me tight, as if I was about to disappear from the face of earth.

I tried to wriggle free from his hold but it just led into him tightening it even more.

I just groaned in frustration, he is one stubborn thing, I just gave up, It's better that he say whatever he has to and get done with it.

For god's sake, few hour before he was behaving like I am some puppet, his personal toy to play with as he likes, and now here he is acting as if I am the most precious thing to him is this world.

What does he take me for? His mood swings are now getting on my nerves. I am done with his dramas for the day, so it would be better if he cut short the ordeal.

He just buried his face into my neck, breathing heavily, after what seems like an hour, which may actually be just seconds, he finally said,

"I am so sorry." in a broken voice. I felt something wet on my skin.

Oh god no, please no.

"Agustin please leave me." I said with determination and  clenched my hands into fists before I can do something stupid like hug him back.

He reluctantly pulled away and looked into my eyes, his eyes looked like deep, dark, bottomless abysses filled with torment and pain.

He took a deep breath and said, "In my life I only had this few people I trusted, when every other person is out their to just use you for their own benifits it's a bit hard to trust easily. I won't deny, I always had trust issues.... As you can see most of the people I trusted had already betrayed me, my own mother, my best friend, Xavier and Jacob.. every one.

I always wanted someone to love me for who I am, but deep down I knew it was next to impossible.

When I saw you the first day, my heart said, she is the one. Your confidence, defiance, innocence, doe eyes... . and the list goes on, I was captivated by each and every one of them.

As stupid as it sounds, I felt a pull towards you, I had never been this irrational in my life before. Then I came to know you better and that pull just got stronger and stronger, to the point were I got restless, if I don't get to see you, to the point where I found it hard to live without you.

But deep down I always had this insecure feeling that good things never last, how is it that, someone like me is given a loving angle like you? Somehow I was not able to digest that, there surely has to be some catch, deep down I was waiting for...."he stopped suddenly, gulping the saliva down his throat at his foreboding situation, so I completed his statement for him,

"To disappoint you? To Betray you?" There is no sugar coating that.

He nodded his head.

I just shook my head in disappointment and anger.

"You decided my fate even before I did any mistake?" My voice shook as I said that.

He continued "And when I thought the day came, I was devastated..I was broken..I wanted to brake you in the same way you broke me...I know, I have no excuse for what I did. I know, no amount of apologies can ever correct it..." He trailed off.

I brought both of my hands on my forehead to ease the throbbing pain. Oh God, he had got this all wrong, Sometimes I am confused whether to feel anger, or pity for him.

" Yes, you are right,  you absolutely have no excuse, Life doesn't work like that, Agustin. You need to open your heart and mind for new possibilities, why do you think so low of yourself, that no good thing can ever happen to you?

Grieving Hearts [Completed]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora