Eleven: Dad, I know you're trying

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When he wakes up, there's only Derek and Peter in the loft and he's cold. He's curled up on the couch and as he sits up, he notices his dishevelled appearances and frowns.

After his attack, they probably thought he was crazy.

The thought stings more than he thinks it should but even so, he struggles to find the energy to be upset about it. Let them think what they want. He coughs slightly, wincing at his sore throat. He feels foggy.

"Good morning, Sleeping Beauty." He groans at Peter's voice. "Oh Stiles, you wound me."

"Shut up Peter," Derek says. Stiles smiles.

He stands, wobbling slightly on shaky legs, but stays upright. Neither Hale moves to give him a hand and he appreciates the last shot at normality. Now he's calm, he can't see Allison and he makes the connection that yes, he's really going crazy. It's all in his head.

Maybe he should go back to Eichen House.

No, the Pack needs him here. He gives them the information they need, he keeps them alive. There's something up, he thinks, because this is the most positive he's been in a while.

"The coven is looking for something," Derek says.

Stiles nods rapidly, hobbling over to the notes still scattered on the table. "Someone. They're looking for a person. That's why they've got Markis so obviously it's a kid and the kid is our grade. Considering we're the only pack here, it's either Scott or Lydia because Ethan left. I mean, it could be Danny but I highly doubt they would be interested cause he's this little human that doesn't really-"

"Stiles." Derek cuts him off. The human boy mumbles a meek apology.

Peter crosses his arms and watches Stiles closely. His skin prickles. "So, three targets. Scott, Lydia and you."

Stiles frowns at him. "Well, I mean, yeah. It's really unlikely they'll go for me. They're looking for supernaturals right? I'm a human, I'm safe." Peter still has that strange look on his face, something dangerously close to concern. "You guys don't even like me anyway. Derek's always threatening me, Peter's tried to kill me. Like, dude, you turned Scott so he's kinda your responsibility and Derek and Scott had the weird Alpha-challenge thing going on so I mean, they've always been closer I guess. Lydia can protect herself, I mean, she terrifies me."

"Stiles," Derek sighs, rubbing his temple. "Shut up."

"If you're so convinced that you're not a target," Peter drawls. "Then make friends with Markis. See what information you can get."

"He's not an idiot. He knows I'm part of this pack."

"Are you though?"

"Peter," Derek snaps. "Enough."

Stiles sidles closer to Derek, glaring at Peter, who raises his hands. "Derek, talk some sense into your boyfriend. I'm going to head out."

Stiles notes that Derek doesn't deny the silent accusation and something in his veins warms. He can't quite meet the werewolf's eyes as he asks, "Do you have coffee?"

Derek huffs slightly and pushes Stiles towards the couch. "No caffeine for you," he says lowly. "You need to rest. You look exhausted, Stiles."

"I am," Stiles admits.

"Then rest." Derek sits next to him on the couch and grabs a worn book. Stiles sits beside him hesitantly and Derek groans and pushes him down so the human boy is laying on Derek's lap. Stiles squeaks but Derek ignores him and starts reading. Stiles thinks he may as well get comfortable because he won't be going anywhere.

It takes him a little while to fall asleep to the sound of pages turning but he matches his breathing to Derek's and slips away from consciousness. No nightmares plague him that night.

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