Hunedoara Castle

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Castles always have a history involving blood, murders, executions and deaths... Not too long ago came the hauntings of all their evil acts.

Here's a castle, a castle full of hauntings.

The castle
Hunedoara (Hunyad) Castle – Transylvania

Some say Hunedoara is the most frightening castle in Europe. Not just now, but also before the legend of Vlad the Impaler was born.

Most castles in the area were destroyed, not Castle Hunedoara though. Invaders through history never came near it.
Some believe this is because of the castle imposing size, but others believe there was a dark presence emanating from the castle, an evil that nobody wanted to come face to face with. This is the reason why Hunyad castle is still in such a good shape.

With good shape, I mean relatively speaking as the castle is long due for a renovation. Renovations did start, but none were ever finished. The last workgroup to try, packed up and ran like screaming schoolgirls after seeing bloodstains appear which couldn’t be removed…

Even without lightning striking in the background- it looks damn creepy!

Over 13 storeys high, Hunedorea Castle is not just an intimidating construction, it’s also a place were some very disturbing events took place.

When entering the castle yard you will immediately notice a well that is over 30 meter deep.

According to the legend, this fountain was dug by twelve Turkish prisoners to whom liberty was promised if they reached water.

After 15 years they completed the well, but their captors did not keep their promise and chopped of their heads instead. It is said that the inscription on a wall of the well means “you have water, but no soul”.
It is also the place were the legendary warlord Vladimir the Impaler learned his sadistic hobby.

Thousands of people were impaled in the castle and after being imprisoned by János Hunyadi, the crazed warlord couldn’t stop his sadistic urge, as he started impaling the rats in his prison cell instead.

Yes Vladimir was pure evil incarnated and by drinking the blood of his victims he sought to harness the power of the devil itself. Did that work out for him? Some believe so…

My conclusion:
Places have a history behind them, almost every castle has an interesting background from the 'rulers to the ruiners'.
I hope I get to visit some haunted locations, would be an awesome adventure.

Whatever mysteries there are, from Jack the ripper to the Dyatlov pass incident will all be solved.
We just need to find out the truth behind these mysteries.

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