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Frost's p.o.v
Y'all that gif tho 😭😍

   Chapter Five: Ms. Hugster is here

Nova took me out to get coffee. He's been acting real strange. First he's grumpy, then he's nice, then grumpy, and then nice. And then he invites me to his practice and takes me out to get coffee? But get this. After we got back and lunch finished, he's been ignoring me.

Hashtag mood swings.

Oh god... I sounded like one of Rose's followers.

It's seventh period now, English, the place where we have assigned seats. Ew. The class where, I don't sit next to Manon. Oh the horror!


I do sit behind Nova.. heh... heh. And it's a great opportunity to erk him.

We're supposed to be reading in silence, but I don't like reading. Especially about history. While everyone is reading, I continue poking Nova's back. Slowly, he turns around.

"What do you want?!" he hisses. I survey around the room, acting like I can't hear him. I fight the smile threatening to form. He turns back around and poke his back again.

I then begin kicking both of his chair legs, and poking him with my pencil.

"Matthews I swear to god," he grumbles loudly. Ms. Yang shushes us with a frown.

Rude. He was talking and she interrupted him.

I look at Manon and give her a thumbs up. She then scribbles something down, and hurls a balled up paper all the way across the room. It hits me square on the face, causing a couple of students to snicker. Ms. Yang glances at us before she goes back to whatever she's doing. She makes an 'open' movement and I do so.

Nova looks pissed. You better stop before you make something snap in his head.

I snicker, flattening the paper out.

Why? It's not like he's going to do anything. He's been acting like a big softie.

I wait till Ms. Yang isn't looking, and chuck it.

Are you sure? I think he knows we're talking about him because he's glaring at me.

Get this. Earlier, he took me out for coffee but now he's mad at me. #confued.

Before I could finish writing my response, Nova whips around, snatching it off my desk. He stuffs in his binder, right as the bell rings.

Oh my... he knew! He knew the bell was going to ring and he snatched my-

He then grabs my arm and yanks me out of the desk. He picks up my binder, and rushes out of the classroom with me.

Not again...

As we zoom down the hallway, I give the passing people a grin. I nearly tripped a few times. He pushes through them all like a rude person. We walk into the gym, "Nova why are you so grumpy? Earlier you were nice! What happened?" I ask as he starts walking to the girls locker room.

"Go change," he growls, leaning down, "hurry up," I snatch my binder out of his arms and run into the locker room.

Once I changed, I cautiously walked out. No need to run into his chest again. I had to leave my binder in there because somebody wouldn't stop by my locker, like I asked him to. I begin to walk around.

Suddenly as I'm walking by, an arm flies out in front of me, stopping me. Turning my head, I see no other person than Nova. Such a surprise.

"Uh.. what's up...?"

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