❖ Prominent Historical Figures ❖

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brad pitt﹒daemor tarlahrys

Daemor Tarlahrys, born a bastard, was raised in secret on Dragonstone by his mother who was a serving maid in the castle. Her original plan was to fall pregnant with the son of Aegon I Targaryen and stake a claim that her son should be a prince but her plan soon failed when Daemor reached five years of age and she died from a fever in the night. He was then raised by the rest of the serving women, rotating him from family to family until the First Dornish War where, while they did not succeed in taking Dorne, Daemor proved himself worthy of knighthood to his unknowing father. After making the Tarlahrys name for himself, he confessed to the truth in private to his father and he was given a Valyrian sword with two golden dragons for the guard and an ancient form of Valyrian carved into the blade. During the First Dornish War he encountered a Dornish woman that was captured during a battle, she boldly confessed to being a witch with bloodlines that dated back to the first men and that her murder would mark a stain on the soul of any who had wronged her in this life. Relinna (her name) acted as an envoy of peace for her family and successfully ended any future battles in Ghost Hill. She accepted the ninth marriage proposal from Daemor years after the First Dornish War and prophesied to have many of his children during their marriage.


charlize theron﹒rowena hightower

Rowena Hightower, born a Tarlahrys, married the Hand of the King, Otto Hightower, giving him at least one daughter, future Queen Alicent Hightower. During her daughter's reign, she easily manipulated the King to give her whatever she wanted. She wore expensive fabrics with real gold woven into them with bold diadems imitating a crown. In her later years, especially during the time of the Dance of Dragons, she wore the same crowns but black or silver and wore colours of dark green and emeralds in support of her daughter. She contributed to the conflict by taking her sister and her children hostage.


emily blunt﹒freya tarlahrys

Many Maester's will recite that Lady Freya Tarlahrys should've been the one to marry King Viserys. Many say that it was Rowena's golden greed that made her set her eyes on the Iron Throne and cast her family aside but Freya knew it was because she was the first daughter to inherit their great-grandmother's magic instead of Rowena. When the civil war broke out, Freya was quick to defend and take the side of Queen Rhaenyra instead of her great-nephew. Rowena captured her sister's children in King's Landing, holding them hostage and Freya knew she had to bargain her life to save her children. When Rowena agreed to the bargain, publicly executing Freya so long as her children could flee to safety in the North, Freya eased Rowena's troubling thoughts of kinslaying saying that they hadn't been sisters in a long time.


holliday grainger﹒vaesella tarlahrys

Vaesella Tarlahrys was the first Valyrian southerner to take Ladyship in the North. Having to flee due to her Aunt Rowena holding her, her sisters, and her own daughters hostage in King's Landing to bargain for the life of her mother, Lady Freya. While in the North, Lord Cregan Stark gave her Old Castle in hopes to appease his new ally, Queen Rhaenyra, and she refused to give up the tradition of the first born taking Lord or Ladyship regardless of gender. Vaesella ended up falling in love with a Bolton bastard and they married and continued the line of Tarlahrys. She arranged marriages for her sisters to those they were affectionate with, further cementing their place in the north.

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