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ya later update???

so i published this on my iPad but it apparently didn't work

so here we go again

I'm sorry if u freaked out over the notif and it's a chapter you've already read

i love you x



Ellie was trying to look over Becca's shoulder. Yeah, yeah, she was nosy, she got that, but halfway through the drive Becca had let out a noise somewhat like a cat being strangled and started frantically typing on her phone, and Ellie really wanted to know why.

For the last five minutes Ellie had been stealing glances at her screen, but she honestly wasn't getting anywhere. Becca kept shooting her little glares each time she caught her. Before all this weirdness started, Ellie and Maia had been surprised at the airport by Becca, Jamie, and Ellie's aunt. Maia was content enough talking with Jamie, which she'd been doing for most of the drive.

Ellie caught snatches of their conversation every now and then, and it seemed to be either something to do with AFL or food. Becca had been talking with Ellie, before she got the mysterious text message. What was going on?

Her aunt's phone buzzed in the front, and at the next red light, she reached over to check it. Her eyes scanned over the screen before flicking quickly to Becca, who was sitting in the front seat.

"Hey, Ellie, as much as I want to stick around and catch up," her aunt said slowly, "I've got to drop Becca off somewhere after we get home, okay? I should be back but I'm not sure about her." Ellie blinked. She couldn't help but be a bit disappointed. Was her cousin (who she hadn't seen in a year) blowing her off because of someone she'd been texting for five minutes?

Maybe they were prearranged plans. Maybe that quick glance meant nothing. As much as Ellie's gut was telling her it wasn't nothing, she decided to relax and just try to enjoy being home for the first time in a while, with one of her best friends.

"That's fine," she said, no matter how much she knew it wasn't, "I'm sure my parents would have kicked you out to spend time with me anyway." Her aunt laughed and nodded.

"I'm really sorry, Ellie," Becca said, smiling sympathetically, "But I had these plans for a while, and we didn't know you'd be arriving today." Ellie nodded.

"It's fine, B, I don't mind." She didn't mind, but if she was being honest, she didn't exactly believe Becca either. She had always been a better liar than Ellie, and Ellie was damn good at lying. While her aunt wasn't watching in the rearview mirror, she narrowed her eyes at Becca as if to say 'I know what you're doing'.

Considering she didn't actually know what was going on, Ellie thought she might go ahead and have some fun. "So, Becca, these plans. Who exactly are they with?" She could've sworn she heard Becca swallow, but Ellie hoped she'd made the question sound genuinely curious enough that Becca would think she bought it.

"A friend. Someone I met online," she said as if she'd had to genuinely think, "I'm actually not too sure what we're going to do. They weren't very specific. And before you worry, like I know you will, they're definitely who they say they are."

"Is it a boy?" This should be interesting. Ellie could see one of Becca's cheeks, and it was basically a tomato shade. "Considering you look like a fire truck, I'm assuming he's a boy."

daily dm || harry styles || completeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora