Chapter 22 - The End

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Chapter 22

“Ready to go?” Zahir asked Aimee as he picked up her canvas carry-all. 

Aimee glanced around her empty apartment.  “Yes.”  She really was.  She hung the keys up on a hook by the door and closed it behind her.  The landlord would fetch them later. 

Zahir was watching her closely as he reached out to take her hand in his as they left the building.  Outside Omar was waiting with a car to take them to the airport. 

As the buildings sped past them Aimee reflected on the three weeks that had passed since she was released from hospital.  She spent three days in bed at Zahir’s insistence even though physically she felt fine.  He had promptly moved himself into her apartment and while taking care of his business in London, she furiously worked on finishing her paper.

Meanwhile, Sheena had single-handedly sorted and packed up her apartment one room at a time.  Things were either being sent to Arabia, donated or moved into storage at the University. 

The cave Leo had talked about turned out to be real and the Dean had allowed Aimee some time off to make the move to Arabia on the condition that she published her paper before she left and would continue to work with her assistants from Arabia as she had done previously.  They were going to do the cave project in conjunction with the University of Riyadh and she was looking forward to it. Even Marc was flying out to help her get started.

Zahir had offered his jet for her use if she needed to travel to London at any time to continue her work.  He happened to be pleased as punch that she agreed to move back to Riyadh with him.  She had no doubt that he would’ve moved to London as promised but she missed the desert and would gladly move back now that her Dad was getting married to the widow Stinson.

Aimee and Zahir had gone to see him shortly after her recovery to discuss her move and after delicate explanations the two men quickly got on like a house on fire. 

The entrance to the airport came into view and Aimee glanced at Zahir who was on the phone with his brother.  He paused in his conversation long enough to brush a kiss onto the hand that once again wore the beautiful wedding ring he had given her and winked at her.

Happiness flooded her at the prospect of spending the next chapter of her life with the man she loved and doing the work she adored.  Who knows, she might even grow to like Basma.

*** 6 months later ***

It was a beautiful warm day and the sun was reflecting off the white flowers in the garden enough to make them glow.  Aimee was wearing a flowing golden dress that draped over her growing baby-bump beautifully. Her hair tumbled down her back in soft curls and she had an intricate white and gold flower band in her hair. With one hand on the bump she was supervising the last preparations before wandering over to the kitchen to inspect the food. 

The beautiful wedding cake was standing in one corner and it made Aimee’s mouth water. She plucked a stuffed fig from one of the platters and decided to go check on the bride herself. 

She could hear some of the guests socializing in one of the reception rooms as she passed through the great hall.  A glimpse through a cracked door revealed several men in thawbs and keffiyeh chatting away.  Across the hallway in another room a small group of ladies were gathered in a similar fashion.  Even though it was a rather small wedding Aimee was going to make sure it was a great one.

Smiling she set off down the hallway to her ‘old’ room.  Aimee had settled back into palace life like she had never left.  Though with one major change; she now occupied a huge master bedroom with Zahir.  Her office was back up and running and Marc also stayed at the Palace whenever he visited.  Her father and his new wife visited them a couple of weeks ago as part of their honeymoon tour around the world.

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