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"Oh my. I can't wait to start! I have denied every single inmate that wanted to work here but I just couldn't deny the sweet girl that was always so polite and said her 'please' and 'thank yous," Mrs Patel gushed in her thick Indian accent the minute Daisy arrived in the large kitchen.

The petite girl shifted on her feet, feeling awkward and wondering if the lady was going to start pinching her cheeks.

Once they began to work, Daisy decided she had fallen in love with her new job. The dinner lady didn't watch her every move as she was left to do her own thing independently. In fact, Mrs Patel ran in and out of the room as if in a constant hurry.

Daisy was given the task to make a large batch of soft bread rolls and although it was an easy task, she managed to make the most out of it.

She made three different animals, pigs, hedgehogs and bunnies, to give them an option of which one to choose but hoped that they'd still eat them even if they were vegetarian. Shaping the creatures with a smile on her face, she wondered how the other prisoners were going react to the buns and if it would be a positive reaction.

Feeling someone hover over her shoulder, she turned out shrieked when she saw Mrs Patel's face extremely close to her own. The woman stared down at the handmade bread animals with a look of awe.

"These are amazing, pet! People are going to be fighting over them." She praised with a astonishment, patting Daisy on the back.

"Thank you," She replied quietly, frowning in concentration as she stabbed holes in the last bunny to make little eyes. After cautiously putting the tray in the oven, she asked Mrs Patel if there anything else to do.

"Finished?" The woman asked, to which Daisy replied with a nod. "I guess you could start cleaning up. I didn't expect you to finish so quickly." Conversationally, she added, "I assume you like to bake then?"

Daisy smiled slightly at remembering all the times she'd bring mini muffins to the guards that would be forced to stand outside her house and then her mind drifted to the bread currently baking in the large oven. "Sometimes I'd make animal bread for the people at the homeless shelter. It would brighten their day and the children love it." She reminisced.

Her hands paused in scrubbing the counter top as she frowned sadly, thinking about the children. She had promised that she would make hippo bread for them to dip in their soup.

"What's wrong, pet?" Mrs Patel asked, seeing the nearly distraught look on her face.

"I-I won't be there to hand out the bread. The children will be disappointed. I had promised them and now I will have b-broken it." She explained her with wide eyes.

The lady pursed her lips and rubbed her shoulder sympathetically. "I'm sure they'll understand. At least your talents won't go to waste while you're here. I can't wait to see people's reactions to your little bread creatures."

Daisy responded with a weak laugh as she carried the dirty equipment to the sink for cleaning. She appreciated Mrs Patel's attempt to cheer her up but it didn't really work. Baking was just another reminder of what her life was like before being locked up. Now, people outside of prison that would see her as a criminal and she knew the parent's of the children wouldn't let her near their children ever again if she ever did get out.

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