Chapter 8

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Hey hey! Look at me updating and whatnot.

Enjoy :)

Chapter 8


“What the fuck, Brian, I was waiting for you to come get me. Where the hell are you?” Paige screeched into her cell phone as we pulled up to the school parking lot.

I glanced over at her, a slight chill running down my spine as she mentioned his name. My hands tightened around the steering wheel and I flinched, forgetting that my knuckles were swollen and bruised.

I pulled into a spot and Paige was out of the car before it was even in park. The passenger door slammed and I watched in my rear-view mirror as she stomped away from me.

“Bye,” I said into the silence, feeling drained all of a sudden. Would it always be like this between us?

I shook off the thought, gathering my bag from the back seat before heading towards the school. Mentally, I reviewed the homework I’d done over the weekend, making sure I had it all ready and organized for each class. There was no way I was getting another failing grade this year. My applications had already been delivered to the colleges and even though I’d gotten early acceptance to a few, they’d look at my final marks and they reserved the right to change their minds.

The thought made my breath shorten.

What would my parents think if I didn’t get into college? Would they be pissed? Would they laugh?

They’d probably just send me to the institution to get rid of me.

I winced at the thought.

The institution wasn’t an option. I was never going back there. Never.

Oh shit, is that the time?

I only had ten minutes to get to class and I liked to be a few minutes early.

I picked up the pace, rounding a corner while looking down at my watch.

Which was probably why I smacked into someone coming from the other direction.

“Jesus, watch where you’re going.”

“I’m sorry,” I mumbled, bending to pick up the notebook I’d forced the other girl to drop.

As soon as I straightened, she snatched it out of my hands, the paper slicing into my finger, making me cringe.

I moved to bypass her but she shifted with me, blocking my path. I frowned before actually looking at the girl. She had long red hair and light brown eyes that were heavily caked in black eyeliner. She was tall, almost as tall as me, with sharp, pretty features that were currently pinched in distaste as she looked me up and down.

“You’re that girl,” she said after a moment, her tone so acidic that she might as well have said, “You’re that piece of shit I stepped on the other day.”

“Um,” I hedged, my eyes shifting towards the clock. Eight minutes. “Probably.”

“You’re the girl who keeps panting after Grayson.”

I winced, looking at her more closely. I’d seen her before, hanging out with Grayson and his friends. She’d given me a few scornful glances in the past. Nothing too original.  

“Excuse me,” I said, trying to sidestep her again.

She shifted, still blocking me. I bit my lip, my eyes on the clock.

ImperfectTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang