Chapter Sixty Two

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Backyard, Kapoor Mansion, Delhi

Armaan punches the wall of the Mansion to reduce his anger and frustration towards his mistake committed an hour ago.

He thinks, 'Kavya is confused, but why do you have to be angry and impatient do you expect her to accept your feelings within a few days after promising to reverse those 75 days?'

Armaan halts, feeling breathless and closes his eyes to recollect the pain he witnessed in Kavya's eyes, when she tried to remind him of his drunk state, last night.

He thinks, 'I should have been more careful with her. I had abandoned her, hurt her feelings and I knew, she is insecure. Then how can I expect her to trust me so early? Now I have complicated our relationship even more. But....but can't she take one step forward? Is she so scared of trusting me?'

Armaan opens his eyes and takes a deep breath, before punching the wall. He recollects, Kavya's eyes and words, which were shielded with fear to be hurt again.

He continues to punch the wall, unaware of Ranveer's scrutinizing gaze on him from a small distance.

Ranveer thinks, 'So it has got worst....Time to put my nose into their business.'

He walks towards Armaan and informs loud enough to grabs his attention, "Even Kavy loved to practice her punching skills here."

Armaan turns around and immediately regrets to remove his anger in Kavya's parents home, where they can grow suspicious for their relation.

Ranveer stands in front of his tired Son-in-law and examines his hands for injury, only to find a few minor bruises.

He sighs in relief and comments playfully, "Calm down young man, I don't want my princess to think, you were hitting me."

Armaan couldn't help but smile at his comment and Ranveer gestures towards the coffee table set at their right. He nods in response and Ranveer dismisses the butlers around for privacy.

They take their seats on the each black single couches, beside each other and Ranveer begins, "So....had an argument with Kavy?"

Armaan shakes his head and lies, "No, some business stress."

Ranveer chuckles and mocks, "Now you think, you are talented and smart enough to fool me. My dear Son-in-law, my age and life experience is twice as compared to yours. So, don't you dare lie to me."

Armaan pinches the bridge of his nose and assures, "There is nothing serious, just a small difference of opinion."

Ranveer nods in understanding and repeats dramatically, "Oh, small difference of opinion."

He leans towards Armaan and demands, "In that case, you were checking the strength of my Mansion by punching the wall, right?"

Armaan looks away, failing to deal with Ranveer's questions and fearing to fuel his earlier doubts, regarding their marriage.

Ranveer sighs and assures in a serious tone, "Armaan, I won't ask what is happening between you and Kavy. That's your personal matter, which I truly respect and even as a father, I won't interfere. Because I have never allowed anyone to interfere between me and Nimrit, even though our completely opposite nature had lead to many difference of opinion at the beginning of our marriage."

He leans in his seat to sit more comfortably and adds, "So it's your problem, which has to be dealt by you and Kavy only."

Armaan pinches his nose again and assures after facing him, "You don't have to worry about anything, there is no serious problem between me and Kavya."

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