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A/n: Yo, I did this drawing really quick awhile back (don't judge). I originally was going to have the birth in the case but then I was like nah, but I still didn't feel like redoing the pic so here you go.

A few months later:
Jeanne's POV

I was sitting at the table reading the Daily Prophet. Newt was in what's going to be the baby's room assembling furniture, with magic of course.

We had decided to paint the baby's room a neutral, soft yellow. Newt and I had planned to make the baby's gender a surprise.

The Goldsteins had sent us some toys which were neatly tucked into a basket in the corner of the room.

Jacob had sent some pastries for Newt and I to sample as well. To be honest, anything sweet tasted amazing to me while pregnant.

I got up from my chair with some difficulty. I was getting very close to my date and I could no longer see my feet when I looked down.

I folded The Prophet back up and decided to see what Newt had put together in the baby's room.

I knocked on the door.

"Don't come in!" Newt called from inside the nursery.

"Why not?" I asked with a laugh.

"I want it to be a surprise," Newt said, sticking his face out of the door.
He suddenly turned a bit pale.

"What?" I asked, becoming increasingly worried at his expression. I then felt the wet seeping through my pajama pants.

My water had broken.

"Well," I said, trying to keep my voice steady. "I guess the surprise can wait. Baby has decided to come a week early."

"Okay, okay," Newt started rambling. "Everything is okay—"

"Get the overnight bag," I cut him off, knowing the more he talked the more I'd become stressed myself.

I grabbed the nearest book I could find, knowing I'd need something to relax me, and my coat as it was spring and still cold and wet outdoors.

Newt appeared from the nursery with the duffel bag that we'd previously put together. It contained a change of clothes for the both of us, a set of clothes for the baby, and a bear for him/her.

"Alright," I said. "Let's do this."

"Are you ready?" Newt asked, opening the door for me.

"I don't really have a choice at this point," I said with a smile.

Newt pulled me into a hug. I nestled my face into his warm shoulder while he stroked my hair outside our apartment door.

"I love you," Newt said, tucking a piece of my curly hair behind my ear. He leaned kissed me on the lips softly. He had been treating me like I was as delicate as a flower whilst I was pregnant.

We took the elevator down to the first floor where Newt hailed a cab to take us to hospital.

The cabbie sure did get a good tip after being told to "step on it" by a very anxious Newt. I was in labor; he had every right to be worried.


I was assigned to my room and a midwife, in the wizarding section of the hospital of course. Newt insisted he'd stay in the room for the delivery so he did.

I had to put on a hospital gown which made me feel like a bloated napkin. Newt insisted I looked beautiful as always.

Finally, after hours of contractions getting increasingly worse, it was time to push.

The midwife gave me pain medication. My hands were cold and clammy but I was sweating from the sheer amount of physical exertion.

I gripped Newt's hand as I writhed on the bed. He winced at my sudden amount of strength with each contraction.

My pillow was drenched in sweat and tears. The pain medication could only do so much.

Newt was whispering words of encouragement, trying to remain calm. The midwife wasn't raising any alarms which helped me keep my calm as well.

Finally, with one last push and grunt, our baby was born.

Amelia Evelyn Scamander. My little girl. I held her wet body, still attached to the cord.

She cried and wailed when the midwife took her away to be cleaned up.

Newt handed the midwife a soft blue blanket from the duffel bag to wrap Amelia in.

"You were right," said Newt, referring to the fact he'd packed the blue blanket.

"Amelia Evelyn Scamander," I repeated the name aloud.

"Beautiful," Newt sniffed. He let a tear slip down his cheek as Amelia was returned to me.

She was a smaller baby, though she did come a week early. Other than that, she was perfectly healthy. Amelia had the tiniest tuft of dark hair on her head, undoubtedly from me.

Newt stared down at Amy and I with wonder in his tear filled eyes. "I'm a dad," he whispered with joy.

His Beast - A Newt Scamander Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now