Part 29 - Why didn't they tell me?

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Avalana Skylar Valerie

Everything is back to normal, i had a trouble sleeping a few days after the incident. Gabriel and Laura brought me to the psychology to make sure that I'm not having a long traumatic so i can continue school like the way it used to be.

Thankfully the Psychologist said that I'm getting better and better, she even said that she's amazed that I'm getting over it so easily. Even tho she had to gave me some relaxation pills to help me sleep at night.

The teachers in school always so care and supportive they always asked me how i feel especially after the incident, the students around are always looking at me especially right after the incident.

Final exam is getting close it means i have to stay focus on the road to reach my goals, i also already have a plan what a major faculty that I'm going to take after I graduated. But I haven't talk to my parents I've only talked to Laura and she always been really supportive towards me.

Apollo, he's getting more and more protective since the incident. We still keep the relationship private, it's only between us and our friends. He always be the sweetest and carrying person, that's more than enough for me.

Rachel, i think she wished that I'm dead on the accident but gladly I'm not, she still hates me and think that I'm one of the racer on the same track to reach the same finish line.

Now I'm seating alone in the class trying to catch up with the last Physic lesson that i missed for maybe 3 classes, the accident made me feel scared and weak so I couldn't go to school for quite long time.

Why is it so hard for me to remember and to understand all of these physics things. Well I don't really have a problem in remembering things actually, but this time it is too hard to process.

No longer after that the teacher walks in and close the door everyone is seating on their seat while reading their text book. The teacher walks to the front room with a bunch of paper while looking at us.

"Good morning class, are you ready for the test today?" He asked and it's making me panic, nobody informed or told me about having a physic test today.

If i told him what happened then he gives me a spare time i think it isn't fair for the other, so i just keep in a silent and try to remember every inch of the text book last minute before the test.

He begins to hand us the paper with 5 number of essays and it's making my feet tapping on the floor trying to process it and not to be panic. I take my pen and begin to write everything that seems connected and everything that i remember.

A few minutes passed and i still cannot do anything, i know I'm going to failed and take a second test to fix my grade so i just seat on the chair while put my head on the table. I feel so sad and i feel like I'm going to cry, I don't want to do it i can't. I think i should go to the restroom and looking for air outside from this stressful class.

"Excuse me sir can i go to the bathroom" i said after walk into the front class and he just nodded.

"Your phone?" He asked.

"In the box" i said, We always collected our phone every time we have a test.

I open the door and walks out of the room, trying to walk into the closest bedroom with a sad face and depression to finish the test. I walk alone in the hall until i see a tall familiar figure that also walks alone on the long hall. I stop walking then he walks closer to me.

"Looking so stress is everything okay?" Apollo asked.

"Having a trouble on my physics test" i said.

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