Chapter 5

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I crossed my arms over my chest and dared my eyes to look away from Xander. I didn't want to get involved with him anymore than I had to, but it was rather difficult when he was friends with Hayden.

Xander continued walking until he reached the opposite end of the pool table than I stood, and directed his attention back to Hayden.

"You said the first cabinet on the left of the fridge?" Xander asked.

"I believe that's where I put it," Hayden replied, scratching his neck. "If not, I can go buy some since the grocery store is right down the street."

"Nah, there's no need. It's fine without the paprika if we can't find any," Xander said. "Well, I'll be getting back to work."

"I'm sure Mom appreciates you helping her cook for Brian, but you can stick around and play some pool for a bit. Besides, Jasper keeps complaining that the teams are uneven," Hayden said and laughed as he turned to look at me.

"When did I-" I said.

"Did he now?" Xander said and flashed his unique eyes in my direction. "Then I guess I have no choice-"

"You can get back to cooking," I dismissed him. "Drey's pretty good at pool so we'll be fine without you."

Xander lowered his eyes in a glare. "Unattractive," he spit before turning his back to me and heading back up the stairs.


The three guys on the opposing team erupted in laughter but all I could feel was rage at the mysterious boy.

"You've got balls," Drey whispered to me. "That's Xander Peyton."

"I know who he fucking is," I said. "And I couldn't give a damn. Let's just start this stupid game already."

"I'll break!" Chase yelled and grabbed a pool stick.

Chase broke and the balls scattered in every direction until a striped one rolled in a hole.

"Darn, I wanted solids," Rye said, nudging Chase and taking the stick from him.

Rye took his turn next and I couldn't help my mind from wandering back to Xander. Unattracive? What the hell?

"Jasp, it's your turn," I heard Drey say as he handed me the pool stick.

"Oh shit. You made one in?" I asked.

"I made three in, Jasp. But you weren't paying attention," Drey answered. "Where was your mind?"

"Nowhere," I mumbled and took the stick. I aimed at the solid white ball and it rolled around the table, failing to hit anything but the sides.

"Scratch," Hayden said and smiled. "Damn, Jasper. Been a while since we last played, huh? Your skills are evidently lacking."

"Shut up," I said and shoved the pool stick at him lightly. His hand briefly encased my own for a second as he received the stick from me, and the warmth from his hand made me feel hot.

I quickly looked down in an attempt to hide my face from Hayden, which actually worked because he just started his turn. But unfortunately, Drey noticed and smirked at me.

"You don't know shit," I hissed in his ear.

"I am the god of lo-" he said.

"Losers," I corrected him. "The god of losers."

"Good one," he said. "Though it's our turn again. Try to keep your head out of the clouds, now."

I sighed and grabbed the pool stick from Chase, hastily making my move and once again, greatly failing.

"You really suck, you know. The nerd is better than you," Drey said.

"Self-proclaimed nerd?" I joked. "How shameful."

"Hey! It's not shameful," Drey said and the guys laughed again. "Don't ask me to help you study anymore."

"I was joking, Drey," I said and smiled at him. "I can't lose my awesome tutor."

"Whatever," Drey said. "Quit trying to flatter me now."

"Who's hungry?" Mrs. Walker's voice rang through the house and immediately, the five of us made a mad dash for the kitchen.

"Smells great, Mrs. Walker," Rye said and took a seat at the table next to Chase. I took my usual spot across from Hayden as I was always at his house. Drey undoubtedly sat next to me.

"This is amazing," I told Mrs. Walker as I looked around at all of the plates of food.

"I certainly couldn't have gotten this all done if it weren't for Xander, though," Mrs. Walker said and melted in front of Xander. I wanted to vomit.

"Nah, I'm glad to do it. I'm used to cooking at home for the four of us anyways," Xander said and warmly smiled at Mrs. Walker. It was strange to see such a kind look displayed on his face and it ended up creeping me out.

I shook my head and began to pile food on my plate as the rest of the guys did. As the only empty seat was on my other side, naturally, Xander slid in next to me.

He reached to grab some mashed potatoes and I noticed his spiraling, dark tattoo again. I wondered if he had one on his other arm, but he always had it covered.

"Like it?"

I snapped my attention back to the owner of the voice. "What?"

"My tattoo. You keep staring at it. Even that day in mathematics class," Xander said and smirked as his earring twinkled in the light.

I rolled my eyes. "It'll look great when you're eighty years old and wrinkly."

Xander let out a deep laugh. "You're right."

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes yet again, as it seemed that I was doing that a lot lately.

"I'm thinking about getting one myself," Hayden said as I looked across at him.

I raised my eyebrows. "You want a tattoo? What would you even get?"

Hayden smiled. "Our initials."

I stopped chewing on my food and choked over it. "Our initials?"

I heard Drey laugh beside me before Hayden replied, laughing as well.

"I'm kidding, jeez," he said. "You should've seen your face."

I felt a blush creep onto my cheeks and immediately looked down at my food, stuffing it in my mouth.

Then an elbow dug into my ribs and I glared next to me at Xander.

"Too bad," he said.

Xander pissed me off. But before I could say anything back, the front door to the Walker's house opened.

"I see you've all waited patiently to eat with me."

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