Chapter 19: Is There Something Wrong?

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Getting back to the second floor, James immediately headed for the private area door but stopped and turned to head back to the bar.

"Hey Chris, can I make a request?"

"Sure thing man, whatever you need."

"Can you hook me up with some champagne or something."

"I thought you'd never ask."

From behind the counter, Chris bent over and pulled up a bucket of ice with a bottle of dealcoholized chardonnay.

"It's all we got my man, can't serve alcohol to minors."

"That's fine, better than nothing. How much do I owe you?"

"Don't worry about it, it's on the house."

"Seriously? Cool thanks."

"Now go get her."

James gave Chris a friendly nod and headed to the private room door with the bucket of ice and chardonnay. Reentering the dark corridor, he made his way back to the set of doors and tapped on them a couple of times before they slid open, and Clare awaited him. While he was gone she had redecorated the room and converted the chairs into their bed forms.

"I'm back."

"I see that, and with drinks."

Clare stepped to the side to allow James to walk into the room and closed the door behind him. He placed the bucket of ice on the small counter and threw his bag on the ground, before finally taking a seat on the edge of the bed.


"So what?"

"Where's my bag?"

"Oh yeah right, you see the plan didn't go very smoothly."

"What happened?"

"Hannah caught me. So all I had time to grab was your chapstick."

"Seriously? My chapstick?"

"Yea but Kelsey is going to bring the bag up here. We're like VIP's y'know."


"Yep. these drinks were on the house and everything."

A mischievous smile crossed her face as she fell back onto the bed like a starfish. James laid down beside her, and they both stared at the window on the roof.

"Well at least it's us, that's doing this and not Hannah and Nathan."

"Why do you say that?"

"Because I couldn't bear to hear how amazing it was for the next few days."

"True I guess."

"Is something wrong, James?"

"No, It's just been a crazy morning."

It wasn't a lie, but it wasn't the complete truth either, James couldn't betray Hannah. He needed an in with her, and by the looks of it, he might be able to cement his place with the girl. However now he had to keep Clare at bay and not have her find out about his other secrets, only Clare wasn't letting up easy.

"Are you sure that's all," Clare rolled onto her side and traced shapes onto James' chest. "You know you can tell me anything since we're kinda stuck together for a day or so."

"There's nothing wrong."

"Fine if you won't tell me I'll tickle it out of you."

"Excuse me?"

In a blur of a movement, Clare rolled onto James, so that she was straddling him with her legs on either side of him. When her motion had completed, her hands started racing around his body trying to find a ticklish spot. While James was left to try and fight back, only Clare had the high ground.

"Clare stop."

"Make me!"

"Clare I mean it?"

"Me too."

"Fine have it your way."

James released his hands from his body and managed to grab Clare by her wrists, as she kept trying to push herself forward. She came off looking like a raptor just flailing her arms around until she finally stopped and waited for James to make his move.

"Do you think this is going to stop me, I'll raptor claw my way out of this one."

She smirked before starting to flail some more, and James realized he needed to be on top. His hands moved further up her body and around her back while getting enough momentum to flip her onto the bed. Quickly reorienting himself his hands moved back to her wrists, and his weight pinned her down on the bed. Only she kept the mischievous smile on her face.

Her eyes raced from side to side as she tried to raise her arms, James wasn't applying very much pressure to them allowing her to raise them a little but James playfully pushed them back down each time. Seeing no way out of it she submitted to him and laid there still watching his eyes.

"I guess I have the high ground now."

"Yea I guess."

"That means I win."

"No, you don't win till I say so."

"When will you say so?"

Challenging his question she forced her head to get closer to his, her lips protruding a little further out from the rest of her face, as her eyes closed.

"You want me to kiss you?"

Clare nodded her head, trying not to break the face she was making.

"Seriously? That's all I have to do?"

Her face didn't move this time as James realized he was between a rock and a hard place, knowing he had to lean forward, he began to lower his head until he was only inches away. Their faces now a small distance apart from one another, their breath bounced off each other's faces. Then taking one last breath, James went in for the kill when there was suddenly a knock at the door.

Saved by the bell, James released his grasp on Clare causing her to open her eyes before she sat up and leaned on her hands. James stepped off the bed and slid one side of the door open to see Kelsey on the other side with Clare's bag. Peering into the room, Kelsey could clearly see Clare still lying on the bed.

"I see you two are having fun."


"Trust me I know what's going on, there's protection in that compartment there."

Kelsey pointed to the drawer that Clare had scavenged through earlier, before handing the bag to James.

"Thanks for everything Kelsey."

"Hey don't mention it."

From the bed, Clare waved goodbye to her as she closed the door and walked away. On the other side of the door, James placed Clare's bag on the bed, and she began ruffling through it while he crawled to the other side.

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