Chapter 3

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As the sun slowly disappeared into the horizon making a symphony of purples and blues illuminate the sky six brothers trudged back to their home.
" uhgeeee another day of freaking mining and there's nothing to show for it! Let's just go back to what we usually do" whined the oldest Matsuno son. A sack of coal and other presumably valuable minerals slouched on each brothers back weighing them down physically and emotionally as they marched in order from oldest to youngest back to their humble abode.
" you mean back to doing nothing? yeah let's do that" the blue son piped up, exhaustion clear in his voice, slouching farther down.
" wait just a second we have only been mining for five days! What the hell are you talking about! It's about time we got a job anyway" shouted the third son, causing all the other brothers to roll their eyes. "we're only doing this because mom and dad abandoned us to go on vacation! And we already spent all the money they gave us..." The youngest son whined, soon joined in by all the other brothers whining about this and that only increasing the thirds son's annoyance with them. Right as Choromatsu was about to shout at them to quit complaining he and his brother's whining was cut short as the fourth son spoke up suddenly. "Wait", all eyes landed on the fourth son, his own eyes squinted eyeing the cottage they were slowly approaching. "Something's off" he continued. Soon all the brothers eyes found their way to the cottage suspicion growing amongst them. " hey what happened to the sheets on the Windows" commented the oldest son. the fourth son had put them up due to his love of the dark and the others had just went along with it. Surely the wind wouldn't be able to knock all of them down. to the brothers horror the Front door was wide open as well. Clutching their sacks tighter in hopes it could be used in defense the brothers slowly crept to the cottage. Making their way inside they were shocked to see a spotless cottage. Looking around the first floor made it extremely clear some neatfreak robbers had been their.
" wow the burglar is a better cleaner than chorofapski" commented the youngest. before said chorofapski could yell a response he was shushed by the blue brother. He shushed everyone and pointed to the stairs. The brothers nodded in understanding. The burglar could still be in this house hiding upstairs. Slowly creeping up the squeaky stairs readying their weapons they all arrived at the top. Each one becoming frozen as their eyes landed upon a beautiful young girl sleeping on the oldest sons red bed.
Before anything could be done the oldest son piped up in a whisper not to wake the girl. " thank you God for this gift you have bestowed upon me I promise to have a lot of sex with h-" before he could continue he was punched in the gut by chorofapski blushing madly as he whisper screamed at his brother "what the hell?!? We don't even know who she is!! "Heh.. She must be a lost Karamatsu girl" and thus the three oldest brothers began to squabble amongst themselves. the fourth brother couldn't help but stare astounded at the girl sleeping peacefully with a cat by her side. alongside him the fifth also stared at the girl with sparkling eyes. None of them seemed to notice the youngest creep closer to the sleeping girl and gently nudged her. Slowly the girl's eyes sluggishly blinked open as she rose from her slumber. At this point all the brothers became silent and looked at the girl with wide eyes her own eyes now widened looked back at them. It was the youngest who spoke first
"Hey cutie! What are you doing way out here?"
The girl now fully awake blushed a deep shade of red trying to stuttered out an explanation " I-I'm Terribly sorry! I didn't think anyone lived here! I made myself at home.. I'm so sorry!" The girl quickly stood to her feet, waking up the cat beside her which let out a sad meow seeing the girl about to leave. The brothers were quick to react though, immediately trying to act as welcoming as possible. There was an amazingly cute girl in their wake after all, they couldn't let a chance like this fly by.
The red one was the first to speak
"Wait it's okay! It's not safe for a lady to be out so late in the woods anyway! You should stay here"
All the brothers nodded in unison. Reinforcing their brothers efforts " you were nice enough to clean this place! If you can continue doing that we'll happily let you stay here!" The green brother piped in "if you have nowhere else to go just stay with us!"
The princess looked around the room astounded by the kindness of these strangers before her. Holding back tears she bowed and introduced herself. " I am (y/n), princess of the kingdom just east of here. If you truly do not mind I would be happy to stay with such kind people such as yourselves, I promise to pay you all back"
'P-P-P-PRINCESS?!?!' the brothers screamed in unison in their heads as they stiffened, standing straight up. The brothers stood paralyzed staring at the princess with eyes the size of the moon for what seemed like minutes. it wasn't until the princess looked down bashfully from their staring that they snapped out of there transfixation and immediately bowed down on one knee before presenting themselves.
"Princess! I am Osomatsu Matsuno, the oldest out of us brothers!"
"I'm Karamatsu my sweet princess~ the second oldest my dear"
" I am C-Choromatsu your majesty! The third eldest"
"Ichimatsu.. Fourth.."
"Jyushimatsu!! the fifth oldest!!"
" and I'm Todomatsu, the youngest and cutest!"
The princess feeling slightly bombarded by this new information tried to keep her princess gracefulness in tact. Taking in a breath to calm down the princess smiled warmly at the brothers before speaking. "So where can I sleep?"
Silence filled the air as each brother looked at the princess then back to themselves. Slowly calculating the options they jumped into the air and tackling one another as a cloud of dust surrounded the brothers as they fought for where the princess would sleep. Thus the princess was quick to see the true sides of each brother that night as they fought for a chance to sleep in the same bed as the princess. It was going to be fun living together.
It ended up being decided the princess would sleep in Osomatsu's bed while he slept on the floor. And would rotate in order of age which bed she slept in until they could make her one of her own. And so their life together began.

SnowWhite and the six NEETs Osomatsu-san x readerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora