Chapter Nine: Tapes

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Dayton's P.O.V.

The girls were here with me in my office and we were creating a way to get to Jericho but it seemed damn near impossible. There was a barrier that only magic users could pass. I sure as hell didn't use magic nor did the girls. Jericho must have been the one to get them through without a problem.

"King Dayton, she is strong. She saved me and protected me from that man." Julia the little nymph smiled softly. "What do you mean protected you?" I asked. I knew Jericho was strong there is no doubt about that but people can only be strong for so long. That is was I am afraid of. "He came to the cells to take me but Queen Jericho jumped in the way so he couldn't take me. She bit him and wouldn't let go until he left."

"It's a Queens duty to protect others before themselves. I just wish she came with you four. Why didn't she come with you ladies?" I asked once more. "She really didn't say. I just assume that she wanted to make sure we could get out of there." Brittney spoke. "She wanted to protect us from harm." Halsey whispered. She seemed more upset than the other girls. "It'll be alright Halsey. We will have her home soon." I smiled softly at her.

A man burst through the office Frank had provided for me. "This is urgent!" He ran over to my and handed me a tape. Scribbled on it was Jericho's name. "What the hell am I do to with a tape without a player?" I growled. Another man ran in the room with a laptop. I placed the tape in the slot and it began to play.

""Smile for your King." Jason chuckled. He set the camera down and came back to her side and punched her in the gut. Jericho didn't make a sound or move. Jason began to beat her profusely and She still didn't make a sound She only closed her eyes.

"You know for a Little Runt you sure are strong. Let's see how long that'll last when I break your bones." Jason laughed. He snapped Jericho's arm and she squeezed her eyes tighter and made no noise. "Well this is no fun. How about some silver. How does that sound, Dayton?"  Jason smirked and looked into the camera. He now had a silver blade and pressed it into her stomach. Jericho looked at the camera and tried to smile.

"This is growing tiresome Little Runt. Why don't you scream for your King to save you? Does he not love you? If so it doesn't really matter because you are mine." He said slapping her cheek lightly. He began to unbutton his pants and came stepped closer to her. "You can't touch me you pig!" Jericho growled. "You want to bet? I may not be able to screw you but I sure as hell can touch you." He sneered. His fingers caressed her breast Then seemed shocked. He smacked her so hard. She smiled at Jason and spat on him. He began hitting her over and over and she did nothing.

"Listen here Dayton. You're beloved is mine. There's nothing you can do to get her back. She was originally mine to begin with. You took her from me and you let her go. Good luck trying to get her back."

The tape went black and I had tears rolling down my cheeks. I felt a hand on my back and I didn't look up. Sobs began to escape my body. I was so useless. My beloved was being tortured and I couldn't do anything about it. I didn't know what to do. "Listen elves are a type of magic user. We can help you but it'll be in time. We will have to plan for a war. We will not be able to go there without a fight and you know that." Frank spoke. All the court members wanted Jason dead for his actions. The Dark court, the Light court and the Water court wanted him dead. The main three, Frank, Serena, and I are the ones in charge of the operation.

"It'll be too long. She could be dead by the time we get to her. She could be damaged, she might not love me." I whispered. The girls stood up to leave except for Halsey. She looked at me and smile weakly. "Listen we will get our Queen back no matter what. She's strong and capable of protecting herself from too much harm. We will get to her in time." She whispered. I stood up and hugged Halsey tightly. I felt her body shake slightly indicating that she was crying.

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