Even more free stuff just for you!

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Hey Abatars, you like free stuff right? Well then keep reading. ;)

Hundreds of you voted on the best cover, and there was a clear winner. Here is a link to the winner, so congratulations to Malot Aznar. Your cover will be the official cover of the book. Check out the link below to see the picture (it's seriously SWEET!).


And just as a random side note. Some of the covers in the cover contest were submitted by my publishing company. However the majority of the covers done by you guys, had more votes than the ones created by the professional graphic artists.

So yah... you guys are not only awesome friends, but also awesome artists! And I am going to reward you for it!

I've created something awesome for you guys.

Tyson finally met her, his mate, the one he had been waiting for his whole life. She was beautiful. Arrabella was perfect but she seemed too distant. She never talked.

Will Tyson get her to spare him even the slightest glance? Or will she build more walls around her too high for him to scale?

It's on Amazon for free this week and this week only (it will be free from February 9-12)! So go get it right now! This is for all of you who wanted more Ty POVs! So get it for FREE while you have the chance!


However I know a lot of you might be reading this post after February 12, and I want to make sure that I am taking care of you (you guys are so awesome to me I just need to be equally awesome back!). But my publisher can't sell the book for free after the February 12 because of Amazon. So instead I will give you the book for free if you sign up on my blog, after the February 12.

So go sign up on my blog right now! I am going to be giving away some other free goodies from it very soon as well.


And if you are impatient (I also am an impatient reader, hehe), then go get the Tyson's Diary: A Dear Diary, I Have A Mate Bonus Chapter, on Amazon right now!


I will be posting these links in the comments for easier access!

Much Love,


Dear Diary, I Have a MateWhere stories live. Discover now