(3) Answers Suck, But So Do Unanswered Questions

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Thomas honestly understood zero of what she said.

In between? Realm? What the hell is going on? he thought.

"I... what?" He didn't even know how to respond to her answer. "Elaborate, please."

"Do you think this is the same world as you were just on?" The woman asked, like an elementary school teacher would ask her class so that they could try coming to their own conclusion.

"...yes?" Thomas answered unsurely. Was this a trick question? They couldn't possibly be on another planet.

"Well, it is not. You are not on the same planet. You are not even in the same realm." She responded before turning and walking in the opposite direction as where Thomas stood.

He didn't exactly want to follow her, but Thomas soon realized that she was his best bet of getting back to the Safe Haven so he ran to catch up to her.

"Then why am I here?" He asked when he caught up to her. He had to jog in order to match her long strides. He didn't realize before just how tall she really was, she had to be at least 7 feet.

"You are here because you have been summoned," she answered without looking his way. "Your friends have found a way to possibly bring you back to Beacon Hills."

Beacon Hills.

Why did that name sound so familiar? Had he been there before? He didn't think so.

"Who? My friends are either dead or back at the Safe Haven where I would really appreciate to be-"

Ramahila stopped walking and turned to Thomas who had to stop himself from bumping into her. He craned his neck so that he could look at her face while she spoke.

He was wrong; there was no way she was less than 8 feet tall.

"I shall tell you everything in due time but for now, I need you to stay silent while I try to— how did you put it?— elaborate." She said. Despite her calm composure, Thomas could tell that she was a bit ticked off at him.

"Wh-" Thomas began.

"Shhhh! No questions until I finish," the abnormally tall woman replied curtly.

Thomas hated it when he wasn't aloud to ask questions. But he needed answers so he clenched his jaw and stayed silent while she elaborated.

"The earth you just came from is one of the many in this multiverse. There are thousands, millions of worlds out there and many of them hold different variations of yourself.

"Now, unlike all of the universes in the multiverse, there are also realms. This is one of them. Here, in Sunyata, there is only one... how should I phrase this... permanent resident; myself, Ramahila.

"I, the keeper of this realm, have a very important role in the multiverse. I control which souls go where and when they are given the chance to.

"Please also note that, though there are many different variations of you and they are all considered you, the different 'you's around the multiverse do not share the same soul as yourself. Their souls may all be very similar, if not identical to yours, but the soul in the boy before me is his and his alone."

Thomas felt about ready to pull his hair out in confusion, but he didn't dare interrupt. It's not everyday that someone offers to tell you everything that you need to know. He certainly never had that happen for him in the past.

"There are few opportunities to travel the multiverse for mortals such as yourself but it is still possible, hence your current presence in Sunyata.

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