Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to Stan Winston

Omega entered the hunting parties make shift camp, with two xenomorph skulls slung over his shoulder. The other yautja clicked in greeting, Omega clicked back, dipping his head. "Move over, will you?" Omega said light heartedly, plopping down next to his close friend, Sangheili.

Sangheili looked at the two serpent skulls that Omega had. "I suppose the hunt went well?" Sangheili asked, leaning back. Omega set his trophies down, leaning against his spear. "Very well, I think nobody here can match up my hunting skills," Omega said, curling his mandibles in a smile.

Then Omega glanced around the fire at the rest of the hunting party. "In matter of fact, I challenge you guys to collect more trophies on this last night on this moon," Omega said, his eyes glimmering.

" I am totally in," A yautja named Hawk said, cracking his knuckles. Another yautja of the hunting party who had been sharpening his wristblades raised his head, he sheathed his blades. " I am in as well," He said, shifting in his seat.

"Anybody else?" Omega challenged, looking around the campfire. Everybody else held back, not interested, for they thought the challenge was childish. Omega stretched his legs out, chuckling. "Well, I guess thats all then," Omega said, a little to confident.

"Challenge accepted," A voice said from behind them, which had a lighter tone to it than usual. Everybody turned to the voice, looking through their thermal vision. Omega switched to his humanized vision, looking into the darkness.

An armoured yautja stepped into the light of the crackling fire. Judging by the body shape and armour, she was female. The female yautja's stomach was a pure snow white, with brown speckles to the side. Her sides and back were covered in rust colored stripes. This female yautja was known as Artmeis.

Artemis dropped her bag of trophies on Omega's lap, which knocked the air out of him. Artemis flicked her wristblades, thick blue blood splattering the ground, then sheathed them. Omega heaved the sack off of lap. "For the love of the hunt, what is in there!?" He exclaimed.

Artemis plopped down besides Omega pulling out only three serpent skulls. Omega raised his eye ridge, clicking his mandibles. " Is that it?" Omega asked, astonished at the weight of the sack.

Artemis curled her mandibles in a smile, she unsheathed her wristblades. With one swift slash to the hunting sack, it slit open. One skull of a massive beat revealed itself. It resembled that of a prehistoric rhinosurous, two times the size of an elephant skull, with several other skulls of numerous creatures  stuffed in its mouth.

Omega looked down, his eyeridge low, he was obviously defeated. Sangheili laughed, his mandibles shaking. " You were defeated at your own challenge," Sangeili laughed in his deep tone.

The rest of the hunting party started laughing, Hawk shook off his laugh, then pointed his spear towards the Skulls in the sack. "I am not even going to compete against that," Hawk said light heartily.

A yautja named Talon leaned back, scratching markings into his wristblades. " And it was such a shame that a female can hunt better than you," He said, not caring.

Artemis growled, her lower mandibles spread. "Do you have something against females hunting?" She spat, anger and disgust in her voice. Talon chuckled, sheathing his wristblades.

He rested his hands on his knees, leaning forward. "Look princess, you know its true. Males are just naturally better hunters and fighters than the females," Talon said, his eyes showing a hint of mischief.

Artemis rose from her seat, stepping forward, every muscle in her body tensed. "If you think YOUR so strong, why dont you fight me?" She challenged, her upper mandibles flaring.

Talon looked at the squad leader, which he nodded in approval of the challenge. Talon got up, unsheathing his wrist blades.

"No, hand to hand if you think your so tough," Artemis said angrily, putting her hands up in an a deffensive position.

Talon took his wrist blades off, throwing them to the side. Talon closed in on Artemis, standing only a foot from her. Artemis fully extended her mandibles, roaring at Talon. Talon fully extended his mandibles, roaring at Artemis, a spool of saliva coming out.

Artemis curled her hand into a fist, striking at Talon, stunning him momentairly. Talon sung his fist  at Artemis, putting all of his weight into it. Artemis ducked down, sliding underneath Talon.

Talon stumbled forward, then Artemis elbowed his back, forcing him down. Talon got up, spinning around. He kicked some of the coals onto her face, blinding her at the moment. Talon sent a heavy blow to Artemis's jaw, knocking her down and stunning her.

Talon kicked her in the stomach, knocking the breath out of her. "Just admit it, males are more superior fighters than females," He said mockingly. Talon swung his foot at Artemis's head, but was blocked as Artemis caught his foot.

Artemis twisted his foot around, then kicked him in the stomach, knocking him to the ground. Talon got up, spitting out green blood. He recovered from his fall, putting his hands up in a defensive stance.

Artemis was nowhere to be seen. Everybody else that had been watching was also confused. Talon turned around, scanning the camp for a sign of artemis. He then picked up a heat signature, grinning, he took a step forward towards the signature.

Then a  noose tightened around his foot, dragging him up into the air. Talon looked around, looking for anything nearby that he could cut himself down with.

A twig snapped from behind him, he jerked his head around, only to find a combi stick flying towards him.

The combi stick cut through the rope percisly. Talon fell down to the ground on his back,  groaning.

Then a spear driven into the ground inches from his head. Artemis leaned over Talon, her mandibles curled. "What was that again about males being better fighters than females?" She said, peering down at him.

Talon shut his mouth, looking away. Artemis grinned, plucking the spear from the ground. She threw the spear to the side, plopping down nex to Omega as she put her wristblades back on.

The hunting party looked at Talon, then back at Artemis. Artemis looked up, annoyed that everybody was staring at her. "What? Its not like I was about to kill him or anything," She said, crossing her arms.

Omega flattened his mandibles against his mouth, covering them with his hands. He snorted. "Talon, I think she just owned you," He said, keeping back a laugh. Talon got up, brushing himself off. "So what, that doesnt prove anything," Talon spat, sitting in his spot.

" Wanna sparr again?" Artemis asked, eyes gleaming. Talon looked away, wipping the blood off his cheek. "Thats enough for tonight, we leave tomorrow," The sargent said, stepping in the middle of the circle.

Hawk sighed. "Just one more hunt  tonight," He asked, unsheathing his wristblades.

" No, you all need your rest, and thats an order to stay in camp. IF anybody ventures out, there will be a severe punishment," The sargent said, as he sprang up into the trees to find a place to sleep.

Omega stood up, walking to the ideal resting spot. Omega found a nearby tree and rested against its trunk. He took off his helmet, putting it by his side. Omega held his spear in his left hand, so he wouldnt be killed in his sleep.

He looked around at his commrades, who all slept close to each other near the fire. Artemis rested far away from the others. Omega felt sympathy for Artemis, for she was bred in another clan, an outcast.

Omega pushed the though away as he drifted off to sleep.

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