Two Weeks Before Christmas

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Sorry, this is very much a filler. But.... DOUBLE UPDATE (yay)



December came around and winter break was just around the corner. That meant one thing; exams. Everyone was drowning in essays and tests. I, myself, did everything fairly quick. I wasn't especially good in school, but that's what's good about The Misfits - among other things; we were good at different things, even if some of us got close to flunking.

At the moment I was in the kitchen, mum and dad was home for a couple of days which meant I got to eat mum's food again, and that is a blessing. It wasn't long until Christmas, but I had yet to buy any presents. I was one of those unfortunate souls that always waited until the last possible moment before buying presents. Unless I found something unusually fitting for the person in question.

The wonderful aroma of cinnamon was intoxicating me as I sat as close to the oven as I possibly could without mom getting annoyed. She was baking some cake and at the same time the food was simmering on the stove. Dad sat in the living room, there was some book that he had been "dying" to read and now when he finally was home he had decided to finish it. Mum skipped into the kitchen, her hair in a messy ponytail and her floral apron was almost covered in flour. She smiled happily at me, and turned on the radio.

I smiled contently as the soft voices of everyone's favorite 70's band filled the room. Mum twirled around in the kitchen, singing along to the music, it didn't take long before dad peeked around the corner and joined in. Both of them messed around for a while, dancing and singing on repeat. They even made me join them. It wasn't until the oven beeped, signaling that whatever mum was baking was done, that we stopped. We were all out of breath, mum were laughing loudly.

To keep it short, the day turned out fine, even without Eric.

After my usual shower -that I liked to keep under 3 hours...- I threw myself on my bed and picked up my phone. Almost instantly a message popped up.

From: The Misfits

Twat: guyyys look at this shit!

Momma bear: Oh, shut up Odd! You sent this yesterday, twice

Daddy takes a cookie: guys it's almost 1 am. Y r u up? It's Sunday for Christ's sake!

Twat: you cant tell me whta to do! you arent my real daddy

Momma bear: oooh, you would like a daddy wouldn't you?

Goatly serial: This is taking a dangerous turn...

Daddy takes a cookie: Manny. No.

Angrion: get a room you guys!

Soft rock: stop arguing! And stop with the innuendos Manfred!

Momma bear: Innuendos are my thing, you can't take them away :((

Momma bear: no comeback Odd? You've lost your game >:)

Goatly cereal: don't keep it up!!!

Twat: You fkn lettuce head!

Momma bear: that's not even a real insult.

Twat: it is!

Momma bear: is not

Twat: IT IS NOW!

Momma bear: no you imbecile. It's not an insult just because you say it is.


Twat: no! Not schlong! Manny NO!

Momma bear: .... Are you offering yourself Odd?


I chuckled at their banter. By now I was used to it, but in all honesty, Manny's obsession with making each and every person in the chat blush was sometimes infuriating. He knew as well as I did that The Misfits were all really innocent to things like that, or well, not innocent, but very absent from it. I didn't bother to reply.

Just as I was about to actually go to sleep, when my phone started to vibrate. I groaned quietly until I saw who it was. Eric.

"Hello?" I answered. At first it was quiet, I could only hear the soft breathing of Eric.

"Are you asleep?" he questioned, I chuckled.

"Yes, very much so actually. That's why I'm speaking with you right now," I answered, trying to not sound too mean. He laughed quietly on the other end.

"I just wanted to..." he sounded unsure, his voice was soft.

"Wanted to what?" I whispered back.

"To say... goodnight."

I smiled.



Hi~~~ Ok so as I said before---> today is double update day! Enjoy the next, terrifying, chapter! And, I'm sorry :)

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