Chapter 28

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My skull throbbed violently as I awoke the next morning in bed. I groaned painfully and turned over on my stomach, burying my face in a plush surface. It took me a moment to realize that the area my head was resting on is moving. My head shot up causing me wince. Grumpy had his sprawled across the bed, head tilted back with his tongue sticking out. I lifted my hand up, planning to flick his nose but stop suddenly.

Last night memories slammed in themselves in my head. I fainted on the kitchen floor but here i am, in bed with no clue on whats going on. I shifted my eyes back at grumpy suspiciously. I could say I dream last night up but the bump on the back my head says otherwise.

With steady limbs I carefully crawled out of bed, avoiding the large mass of fur. My eyes glanced around the room before landing on the frying pan that I brought up with me last night after scaring off that twit. I snatched the heavy item in my hands and fixed my gaze on grumpy or should I say man? This is so freaking confusing and crazy. "Flea bag!" I shouted at top of my lungs, successfully startling the creature awake. Green eyes fixed on my grey ones. "I know what you are!" I absolutely had no fucking clue what he was but it wasn't human. He stared at me, not blinking which was so creepy.  Maybe I should call him creepy instead of grumpy, certainly fits the situation. "Stop staring at me like that!" He didn't even register my words. He moved swiftly off the bed and onto the floor, few feet away from me. "Stay back creepers!"

Yeah insult it laura, you go get yourself killed.

He whined at bit me before staring into my eyes again then looked down. The cracking of bones echoed in the room, a grimace settled on my face at the gruesome sound.  I watched in disbelif as the thick, pitch black slowly began to vanish before my eyes. Soon tan skin took its place and the large wolf became a large me. A very naked man. Oh my. 

The figure stood up and I gasped as I saw his face. "Caveman!" A look of amusement and annoyance flashed acrosss his face. "Must you give me nicknames?" He questioned, his red lips forming a sinful smirk. Running fingers through his dark hair, making his once small curls large and messy. Don't look down Laura. I took deep breaths as I stared directly in his eyes, giving all my focus.

His smirk dropped in a straight line as he saw me flinch away from him. "Laura, calm down. I won't hurt you."  He said in a stern voice. I gave a sarcasstic laugh, "that's so reasurring from the guy who was just a freaking wolf!" Eli paused before giving me a nod. "That's fair. But I'm still your grumpy." He took a step forward. I ignored his words and raised the frying pan in the air. "Don't come any closer." Eli bit his plump bottom lip. "Its kinda hard to find you threatening, sunshine." I scowled at him. "That is not my name." He shrugged. "Now, can you calm down?" I gripped the pan even harder. "I am calm." He gave me a look. "I seriously doubt that. Now give me the pan, sunshine." I curled my lip at him in digust, "no." Eli eyes me dangerously before slowly walking forward and as he reach for the pan, my reflexes kicked in.

I swung my arms and clocked him on the side of his head, instantly knocking him out. "Oh my god." I stared as his body fell hard on the ground. My eyes trailed around his body before stopping on his...area. I forgot he was naked. I dropped the pan in shock, it fell on top his body with a thump.

"Oh my god!"

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