Chapter Nine

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Lonely was a feeling Margaux was used to, but it wasn't one she enjoyed. She had spent her whole life alone; with bad parents and failed relationships, she had learned the only person she could rely on was herself. She liked to leave the television on, even if she wasn't watching; the hum of voices in the background made her feel less alone as she padded around her flat on dark, quiet nights.

She knelt next to the bookcase in her living room, searching the bottom shelf for her favourite book, when she noticed their faces on the television. She walked over and perched on the arm of the couch, lifting the remote and turning up the volume.

"Another case solved and another life saved thanks to the enigma that is Sherlock Holmes," said the news reporter, followed by footage of Sherlock and John at a police press conference.

"The hat's a bold choice, Sherlock," Margaux muttered.

She switched it off and threw the remote onto the couch before walking over to the window and peering through the blinds. She wasn't shocked to see him standing there; his hands in the pockets of his long coat, staring at her building from across the street. He did it most nights; stood there and debated with himself about whether to ring her buzzer or leave, never getting closer than the other side of the road. Always distant. Always brooding. She wondered if he ever noticed her watching him from the window, if he made the trip especially because he wanted to see her, or whether she was a last minute thought as he passed by her street on his way home. She wondered how she would feel if he ever stopped coming.

Margaux woke in the morning feeling groggy. Her head was pounding and her stomach turning with hunger as she flicked on the lamp and checked her phone. The autopsy report she had been waiting for was ready, which meant she would get to spend time at the hospital with Molly. No matter how ill she felt, the thought of a day with Molly was enough to make her smile. She dressed in a knee-length dress and thick, knitted cardigan. She traded breakfast for a cup of coffee and swallowed two painkillers before leaving her flat in a hurry.


"Hiya," said Molly as the door swung open.

She pulled off her latex gloves, slid the protective goggles onto the top of her head and turned around with a smile.

"Hi," answered Margaux between deep, painful breaths.

Molly's smile quickly changed to concern. She stepped towards her. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, sorry, I was half way here when I got a call from my boss," Margaux began, struggling to catch her breath. "There's been a massive breakthrough in the case. The autopsy report you sent over... something isn't right. So I needed to get here before you released the body... So I ran..."

"Okay, well you look knackered, let's get you a seat." Molly grabbed a stool and dragged it towards them. She helped Margaux sit down, examining the pained expression on her face. "Are you sure that's it? You don't seem right."

"I don't know. I missed breakfast and I had an awful headache this morning."

"Right, I'll go and get you a water from the machine."

Molly ran across the hall to the vending machine, pulling the change from her pocket and sifting through it. She put the coins in the slot, pressed the button and waited for the thud.

The bottle wasn't very cold, Molly thought, as she hurried back to the lab. Maybe she should have got some sort of chocolate bar too. Never mind. She opened the door and glanced around the room; for a moment, it seemed as though Margaux had gone, until Molly noticed her lying on the floor. A small trail of blood trickling from her nose.

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