Chapter 10

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For the rest of the holidays, Lyra and Harry didn't look for the Mirror of Erised as Dumbledore asked them not to.

Not looking for the mirror didn't mean Lyra didn't think about the moment in the mirror. Her parents embraced, her entire family looked like they truly genuine loved her for who she was. She wished it was real. But it wasn't...

Soon Hermione came back and Lyra had given her a late Christmas gift, the Malfoys didn't legally disown her yet, she could still access the Malfoy fortune while being in school.

"You didn't have to get me anything," Hermione told her.

"I wanted to. You got me one too so here." Lyra gave the gift.

Hermione opened it up and held the book 'Legendary Muggle-born Witches and Wizards of the Wizarding World'.

"Granger, it's no secret the Muggle-borns are looked down upon in the Wizarding World. However, this book contains the few Muggle-borns that have proven themselves and are respected on a huge scale. I know for a fact that you are going to be in here one day."  Lyra told her.

"Thank you." Hermione hugged her.

Lyra hugged her back

"So what did find out regarding Famel?" Hermione asked once they let go of each other.

Lyra's eyes widened. After the mirror incident she completely forgot about Famel.

Next thing you know Hermione was yelling at both Harry and Lyra for sneaking during curfew three nights in a row claiming that the could have been caught by Filch and disappointed that they hadn't at least found out who Nicolas Flamel was. They had almost given up hope of ever finding Flamel in a library book.

Once term had started, they were back to skimming through books for ten minutes during their breaks.

On top of that Quidditch practice started again. Wood was working the team harder than ever.

Even the endless rain that had
replaced the snow couldn't dampen
his spirits.

The Weasleys complained that Wood was becoming a fanatic, and Lyra had to agree with them. Their next match was with Hufflepuff. She knew Hufflepuff was filled with good finders but one thing those people couldn't find was a way to win a Quidditch match.

Then, during one particularly wet and muddy practice session, Wood gave
the team a bit of bad news. He'd just gotten very angry with the
Weasleys, who kept dive-bombing
each other and pretending to fall off
their brooms.

"Will you stop messing around! That's exactly the sort of thing that'll lose us the match! Snape's refereeing this
time, and he'll be looking for any excuse to knock points off Gryffindor!"

George really did fall off his broom at these words.

"Snape's refereeing? When's he ever refereed a Quidditch match? He's not going to be fair if we might overtake
Slytherin." George complained.

The rest of the team landed next to George to complain, too.

"It's not my fault, we've just got to make sure we play a clean game, so Snape hasn't got an excuse to pick on us." Wood told them.

Lyra and Harry shared at glance after what Snape did at the last match he was at Lyra didn't trust him to referee and not harm Harry.

At the end of practice, both Harry and Lyra headed straight back to the Gryffindor common room, where they
found Ron and Hermione playing chess.

Cursed|| Harry Potter [1]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora