Chapter 5

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  After a week of staying at that stupid hospital, the school is having their foundation day and ours is like a bar, we have this jar with our names and someone will write their requested song for someone and then put it in the jar, if the paper landed on your jar then you're the one who's gonna sing the song.

You can avoid singing if you don't know the song.

Suddenly while I'm walking along the street I bump onto someone and I quickly fix my glasses and bow.

"I'm sorry for bumping on you." I said and as I fix the hem of my dress the person in front of me keep his gaze on me, making me frown a bit.

"No, I guess it's my fault for not looking on my way." he said.

"Really? Natsume-nii?" I said and he rolled his eyes as I chuckled.

"You've grown up." he said and ruffled my hair.

"You look more mature than your twins." I said and giggled, mentioning Tsubaki and Azusa.

"Yeah right, why are you here? the news came to me and now you're all alone here? walking?" he ask and his jaw clenched.

"I just need to buy some girl things and I won't let the brothers come with me." I said and he sigh and nodded.

"Fine, I'll just go with you since I'm also going home." he said and my eyes twinkled.

"Really?" I ask and he nodded.

"Yes, I need to help our mother for her upcoming wedding." he said and I nodded.

"But I needed to buy a few things for my school---"

"I'll come with you." he said, cutting me off.

"Good, now let's go." I said and he snake his arm around my shoulder, like what an over protective brother should do.

  I hope that the twins is not mad at me, I didn't come to their event.

We enter a book store and I quickly fish out the books that I want to buy but I blush as I saw my brother stare on the book.

"Fifty shades---Oh Jesus!" Natsume take away the book from me and I almost cried.

"I want to buy those, please." I said and he shook his head.

"You better read Little Prince than this book!" he said angrily and the people around look on us.

"But I want that!" I said, reaching for the books in his hands.

"This are not for kids like you!" he said and I pouted.

"I'm not a kid anymore!" I said.

  He just shrugged it off and when someone ask about the book he quickly gave it to the stranger, wtf!? I want that book!

"Natsume-nii~" I called him, using my overflowing cuteness, I was born this way.

"No, even if you're the cutest sister I've ever had, I don't want that genius brain of your's to be tainted with this book." he said and kissed my forehead.

"Fine, Onii-chan." I said as I understand him.

Me and Natsume-nii eat our lunch and after that we go straight to our residence, I laughed as he tell me the story about his co-worker who puke while they're drinking.

"Okay, now were here, I think I need to ready myself for Tsubaki." he said and I smirked.

"Tsubaki? the cat or our brother?" I ask and he laughed.

"Honestly both of them are clingy, but Tsubaki is the one I'm talking about here." he said and chuckled.

  I nodded as we walked out the elevator I almost laughed but bit my lower lip to prevent myself, Tsubaki give him a big bear hug, hahaha.

"Hey! get off me Tsubaki!" Natsume yelled and I silently giggled.

"You just visited us and you want me off!?" Tsubaki said, pouting.

"Yeah right," Natsume said and push him off.

  I just shook my head and go to sit on the couch, I put the things that I bought on the table, I started reading some books and I think I want to be an Engineer someday, like making buildings! but on the other side I want to be a Psychiatrist to treat those people who has a problem with their---

"Yuumiko?" suddenly Louis sat down beside me.

"Yes?" I ask, not looking up.

"Can I fix your hair while you're reading?" he ask and I nodded as I sat on the carpeted floor.

Actually it's nice that Louis is making my hair while I'm reading here, it makes me want to sleep.

"I heard that mother will let you visit our father." Louis said. I nodded my head and nodded.

"That would be nice." I said.

If I don't have a mother but at least I have my brothers and my....father.


  I woke up next to Fuuto and I snuggled closer to him, wanting his warmth.

"Good morning." he whispered and I just nodded.

  I didn't let go as he push me slightly telling me that it's time to eat. I can't, my migraine is there again, it hurts. This is the reason why I hate having this photographic memory, my head hurts when the information's that I know is too much, my brain is aching for too much work in short.

"My...head," I said and Fuuto slowly push me and get my pills and water.

"Here." he said and I quickly get it before it gets worst.

I cried after I drank the medicine, now, I feel so sick, I don't really like medicine, I get teary and ends up crying.

"Shhh, does it still hurts?" he ask and I shook my head as he hug me tighter.

"A bit." I said and he wipe my tears.

Fuuto kissed my forehead and I smiled, then he kissed both of my cheeks and I giggled then he kissed my chin, I burst on laughing.

"I clearly rememeber that day, when you cried because of the rain." he said.

"I loved it when suddenly it stopped." I said and he chuckled.

"Nothing is permanent." he said and I nodded.

Just like mother and father's relationship...



I'm really sorry for my wrong grammars and typos!  I think I really need more improvements for my English grammars.


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