F a n t a s i s t

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Welcome to reality!

For it is not quite a dream.

There are many types of horrors here,

and they're more real than you believe!

There are monsters wearing suits,

corpses saying they're fine.

The nightmares aren't under your bed,

but deep inside your mind.

But trust me, we're not crazy!

Just titled the mentally ill.

We got some problems with ourselves,

that people think aren't real.

So welcome to reality!

Tis a truly wonderful place.

Feel free to be yourself,

I only hope that you stay sane.

Me? Oh, I lost my mind a while ago,

somewhere far back in my dreams.

I think they called me a fantasist,

but then again, perhaps I only imagine these things.

Words to My Demons | Poetry ✔️Where stories live. Discover now