Chapter 5

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{{ Hey loveys so I will post whenever I can, I am fighting for technology right now and I might be a bit delayed sorry beautifulssssss}}

Abby's POV~~

So he has gotten so stressed as the night gets closer, I hated seeing him like this. I'm nervous because I'm not sure what to expect tonight. As the sun started going down his breathing became heavier and seemed sorter.

"Abby time to go to your room and do not come out no matter what I say. Do you understand?" He said, I noticed his eyes turn red and he was fighting it and it looked painful.

"Travis, if you need..." I start saying but he raises his voice.

"NO!! I will only hurt you if I did!" he yelled. He's so scared of hurting me.

"Please... just go to your room before I do something I regret..." He said turning away from me and walking the other way.

I could only sigh and walk into my room and closed the door. After what felt like 45 minutes I heard a loud crash almost like he'd thrown something. I flinch at the sound of his growls and heard other things crash and I know he was fighting it. I sigh knowing if I was in pain and agony he'd help me. I have to help him no matter how life-threatening it was deep down I trusted him and deep down I know I'd grown attached to him more than just master and pet. I heard another deep growl. I fight with my nerves and grab a piece of glass that happened to have slid under the crack of the door and floor when he must have shattered the mirror or a picture. I grab it and stand far enough behind the door he wouldn't hit me when he rushed through them. I raise the shard to my neck to the vein that they seem to enjoy the most and slice just enough for a bit of blood to flow through my layers of skin. I take in a deep breath feeling a little bit of pain but moments later he came through the doors faster than the electricity going to a light bulb.

"What... did you do..." He asked as I just stand there not moving. Moments later he was behind me and sinking his fangs into the crease of my neck and I breathed in a sharp breath of pain before a tear came out of my eye. As he drinks I know he's going to feel better and the more blood he takes the dizzier and light-headed I feel. Not too much longer and I will be dead. The thoughts of him killing me instead of becoming a breeder or being killed by someone else actually made me happier than I should have been. I then come weak and everything goes black and I just let the blackness take over.


Travis POV~~~

I don't remember anything after I shattered the mirror.

What was I tasting?

It was delicious AB Negative blood. Wait. Abby!

I pulled away quickly as I come back to my senses and her limp body falls to the floor.

"Fuck!!! Abby why couldn't you listen!" I grab her limp body putting her under the blankets. I took a little too much blood. Not enough to kill her but enough to pale her skin and her heart to slow down a couple of beats. God, I can't lose her, not her. Anyone but her. She's going to hate my guts and I wouldn't blame her at all.

I held her hand for what seemed hours. But it was hours... three days and she hasn't moved an inch and I'm flipping out. I've cleaned the room the only reason I left her side was to use the bathroom.

As I start pacing the floor figured I have killed her like the monster I am. I heard her heart rate pick up and I stop at the sound of her voice.

"T-Travis..." She stuttered and I run over and she weakly jumps up and moves away.

"You almost killed me..." she said with her head down.

"Why didn't you listen to me!! I told you to stay in your room!!" I yelled at her.

"Travis... you brought me out here after feeding...." she said lowly. I was pissed she was letting me feed off her like it was nothing!! Humans honestly irritate the hell out of me!!

"You are one stupid human!! I could have killed you!!" I yelled standing from the bed.

"I know but..." she started saying.

"No!!! You do not leave this damn room you do as I say!! Three days of no food no nothing!!!! do you understand me!!!" I was angry! She should have never done what she did and now there was punishment for not respecting my wishes.

"Yes Travis...." she said.

"It's master" I demanded and stormed out of the room and walked downstairs and sat in the living room steam coming out of every direction.

"Jeez, brother someone shit the bed last night," Mark said sitting across from me.

"Go away" I demanded.

"No, what's wrong big bro, kill your pet?" he said and chuckled and I only grew angry.

"Almost, I demanded her to stay in her room last night and what does she do? Cut her neck open so that I would feed on her and I almost killed her. So she isn't eating for a bit and I am not bringing her out of the room until she learns her lesson" I said and I looked up to see mark shocked.

"What?" I asked not knowing what he was so shocked about.

"You grounded her? She tried helping you" he said matter-of-a-factually kind tone.

"I almost killed her Mark!" I yelled glaring at him.

"Yes but you are both alive... and by the way you're acting I am going to say you have attached yourself to the young human," he said with a smirk on his face.

"What are you saying?" I asked him.

"I'm saying, you have yelled and bitched and now she's going to hate you and you have fallen for the human girl and she is going to be distant now and good luck with getting her to trust you ever again," he said pointing the facts.

I started thinking, he's right... I have fallen for Abby and I hurt her. She was trying to help me and I just turned around and screwed it all up. I sighed getting up and punching the wall putting my fist through it. I am the biggest asshole in the world. I start walking upstairs and I walk into my room. My bed is made but she's not in it. She cleaned up my desk and I noticed my garbage bin full of the class or papers that didn't do anything with my work. I then noticed her door was closed and I heard crying. I sigh and sit at my desk. She must have heard me come in and she came running out with her head down.

"Can I do anything for you Master..." She said in a quiet voice.

"Abby... I need to talk to you..." I said my head down in shame.

"You said enough this morning. I will just retreat to my room for when you need me..." She said quietly. The beginning of that sentence broke my heart. What have I done...

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