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ALYSANNE SATTLER WAS stubborn, so stubborn that she insisted on trying to walk on a severely sprained ankle with an evident concussion. Claire tried to reason with her but it was like trying to talk to a rock. Useless. Owen, frustrated with her bloody-minded self, didn't give her a choice when he lifted her up off the ground and onto his back. Then they were back on the trail of destruction that the Indominous had left in the thick forest.

A helicopter passed overhead and a moment later there was an echo of a thunderous roar. They turned in the direction both noises had come from. Through the trees, Ally could hear gunfire. Owen ran forward, halting when the trees gave way to a plummeting cliff face.

Ally looked down into the trees, she could see the monstrous dinosaur barreling toward the Aviary even though it was taking heavy fire from a minigun fitted to the helicopter. The Indominous disappeared and for a second there was an eerie calm. The sun reflected off the glass dome of the Aviary as Pterosaurs escaped, flying upwards like a rising black cloud.

When the rotors of the helicopter stalled, Alysanne pressed her face down into Owen's shoulder, unable to watch, though she could still hear the screeching of the Pterosaurs and the breaking of glass. Owen stumbled forward into the trees with Ally on his back. He dove to the ground and pulled Claire down too as two Dimorphodons flew overhead with snapping jaws. The cloud of flying reptiles moved past them in the direction of the main park.

Claire exchanged a panicked look with Owen. Zach and Gray. They backtracked through the forest, emerging on one of the service roads. He pointed at two four-wheelers. Claire hopped on one and Owen and Ally on the other. She had her arms wrapped around his midsection, face tucked into his back, and suddenly her eyes felt extremely heavy with the throbbing pain in her head.

By the time they reached the main park people were running from the avian dinosaurs in chaos. Some were being lifted into the air and dropped back down to the pavement, others were trampling those who had fallen. Owen and a containment unit set up to bring as many of the Pterosaurs as possible as Claire screamed out the names of her two nephews.

Alysanne Sattler gripped onto the barrel of Owen's rifle. She wasn't just going to standby unarmed and open to attack. Playing a damsel in distress had never been her forte, "give me the gun." Owen looked at her with uncertainty, she could barely stand straight on her own and that wasn't including the gash and bruise on her forehead or the caked and dried blood that would obscure her vision. "I'm not helpless, Owen," she deadpanned. He gave her a stern look and pressed his rifle into her open hand.

She waved to people to get down, to hide in the shops and restaurants if possible. Some listened, others didn't and panic continued to ensue. Ally took aim at the sky and fired three separate shots, two of the winged dinosaurs fell midflight, splattering on the concrete below. More shots sounded around her and several more Dimorphodon and pteranodon crashed down into the water and concrete.

There was a loud thud behind her and when she turned around, Owen Grady was on his back with a Dimorphodon flapping its wings and snapping its jaws open and shut. Alysanne limped over to where the Dimorphodon had him pinned to the ground, gnashing its teeth inches away from his neck and head. She reared back and jammed the butt of the rifle into the Dimorphodon's head, giving Owen just enough time to push the creature away before she fired two consecutive rounds into it.

She smirked as he rose to his feet, still dazed, "aren't you glad you gave me a gun?" Owen rolled his eyes and gripped her waist, pulling her flush against him. There was another quip on her tongue but it faded the second he pressed his lips against hers. It was abrupt and rough with his arm wrapped around her waist and her hands digging into his biceps. Alysanne Sattler found that she didn't want to let him go, not when there was a chance that they could die in this fucking hell place.

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