Chapter 3

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I was still half asleep when I heard my door slowly creak open. Seconds later, it closed, and I felt my mattress shift, adjusting to the additional weight. Tiny hands gently placed themselves on my shoulders, and they shook me softly.

"Emily?" A voice croaked.

I sat up immediately, meeting my little sister's glowing eyes. "Ana, are you okay?"

She smiled weakly, and it was then that I noticed how her eyes were a smudged red, presumably from crying. "Yeah, just a bad dream... Can I sleep in here tonight?"

"Of course. Come here," I replied groggily, extending my arms for her. She hurriedly crawled onto my lap and buried her head into my shoulder. When she locked eyes with me, I finally asked her the question I was dying to ask. "Do you remember what your dream was about?"

"Um, no, I don't remember it," she answered, looking away.

Although she looked like me, liked the same foods as me, and often tried to copy me, Anastasia hadn't quite acquired my lying skills. And so, without having to hear anything else, I knew that her dream involved me.

I gulped, concern dominating my features, guilt blanketing over my mind. Why did I always do this? How did I always manage to hurt those around me?

"Emily," she whispered, returning my attention to her. "You weren't in it, don't worry."

Yeah, it definitely involved me.

I chose to let it go, though. Instead, I laid her down next to me and wrapped my arms around her. I hid my head in her hair and whispered that "everything's going to be alright" until we both reached a deep slumber.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

At nine in the morning, I felt my pillow vibrate as the faint sound of my Marimba ringtone could be heard.

I released an unattractive grunting noise before turning off my alarm and managing to escape from my bed without waking Ana. Silently, I got dressed and ran a brush through my long, wavy hair. After waking up Ana a few moments later, I went downstairs to prepare two bowls of Fruit Loops. Moments later, my sister joined me in the dining room and ate her cereal.

Neither of us said much, considering we were both restless. The whole night I was terrified that Ana was going to have another nightmare, so every time she moved, my eyes shot open. Unfortunately, Ana was tossing and turning most of the night. And it was easily identifiable with the prominent bags under her eyes.

After we brushed our teeth, Ana let me sweep a little makeup under her eyes in an attempt to cover up the bags. I contemplated forcing her stay home to get some more rest, but she repeatedly assured me that she was okay.

Thirty minutes later, Lillia let herself in and, in an overly cheery voice, asked, "So how are my favorite Brazki sisters?"

Ana smiled weakly in reply, and I greeted my best friend with a hug.

After we piled into Lillia's car, I pulled out my phone and checked my notifications. When I opened the text from Jake, my heart fluttered.

"Good Morning, beautiful. Don't make plans tonight. I'm picking you up from school :)"

He was just the sweetest thing.

Lillia must have seen me cooing because she released a quick laugh. "When are those boys going to finally ask us out?"

I sighed, not interested in getting into this conversation for the hundredth time. It always consisted of me trying to convince her that they would ask us out when they were ready. And then, she would get frustrated and, under her breath, mutter something about them taking too long.

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