chapter 1

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Heres another story I have been working on. Hope you all like it. It took a while cuz I get distracted so easily :) Anyways, enjoy!



I turn around to see Sam running towards me. She almost trips but catches herself. I start to laugh as I walk up to her.

“Hey.” I said.

“Oh my gosh! I have to tell you something.” Sam squealed.

“What?” I ask, confused.

By that time, most of the students are already inside the school. The warning bell rings. Sam starts to panic and takes my hand while running into school, dragging me.

“Ah, we’re going to be late.” Sam runs faster.

“Sam, hold up. We still have plenty of time.” I said.

“No we don’t. If I get even one more tardy then that will be the end of me.” Sam starts panicking even more, if that’s possible.

“It’s just a tardy. It’s not the end of the world.” I said nonchalantly.

“You don’t get it. I already have enough tardies. If I get one more then it will lead to detention which will lead to seeing my murder on the news because of my mother.” She yells.

“I swear you overreact way too much.” I said.

We arrive at our first period class. Once we walk in, the bell rings. Sam gives me an all knowing look. I just shrug and head to my seat. Sam sits next to me and gets a big breath of air. I can tell she is about to tell me something huge even though it really won’t be that big of a deal. We’re all still waiting for our teacher to arrive so everyone is talking. Sam gets right to the big news.

“So, as I was saying. Do you remember the hottie from the movies?” Sam asked.

“I vaguely remember. Was it the one who kept cleaning by us? I asked.

If I remember correctly, he kept sweeping up popcorn around us. When there was none left, he started to clean the tables around us. He kept talking to us a few times and Sam would giggle. He kept taking glances at Sam. Sam gives me a huge grin.

“Yeah, that guy! Well you see, remember when he ‘accidentally,’” she uses air quotes,” dropped his phone which just so happened to be open to his number?” She asked.

I just nod.

“Well obviously I took the hint and wrote his number down.” She said.

“Of course you did.” I roll my eyes.

“Anyways,” brushing off my sarcasm,” I called him the other day and we went out last night.” She squeals.

Sam squeals so loud that a few people look over. I sink into my chair and give Sam a pleading look to stop drawing attention. She didn’t get my look.

“So it was amazing! We’re going out next weekend. And I want you to come along.” Sam said.

“Uh, no thanks. I don’t need to be the third wheel that watches two people making out who are most likely going to be using tongue.” I said with disgust.

“Hey, who said you had to watch us make out. And how do you know I use tongue?” Sam giggles.

“Anyways,” changing the topic,” I think I’ll pass.” I said.

“Oh come on. I promise to behave.” She said.

I just look at her with suspicious eyes.

“Ok I can’t promise he will behave but still, it’ll be fun.” She said all matter-of-factly.

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