Rantaro Amami with a touch starved s/o

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Rantaro Amami 

- Even before you two started dating he noticed that you would always flinch or get jumpy whenever someone touched you or tried to hug you. 

-  How you would decline any kind of affection towards yourself, or apologize whenever you made any physical contact with anyone, even him. 

- When you two first started dating, Rantaro tried to hold back on physical affection, seeing how comfortable you were with it. 

- He'd try to show affection through other ways. Leaving little notes around the house saying 'You make my life so much brighter' or 'I didn't know you were a criminal s/o! Cause you have captured my heart' 

- After a little while, Rantaro wanted to get you more used to physical affection. He never wanted to make you uncomfortable. 

- He would start off very slow, always somehow telling you that he was going to touch you. Whether its holding eye-contact, winking at you, or snapping his finger. 

- It starts off with just simple head pats, or brushing your hands together. 

- This continued on for about a week or two, just slight bits of affection here and there. Making sure he wasn't over doing it. 

- That was until you started engaging it as well. He couldn't help but smile whenever you would hug him, or ask him to cuddle. 

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