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Serva me, Servabo te


My eyes are closed.

I don't open them because I'm confused.

Warmth is spread through me. Warmth provided by a bed.

My hands tighten around the fabric, taking in the rough cotton-like texture. I lay there for several minutes, eyes still closed.

Pain pulsing within my side.

Until voices surface into the room.

"Can you sense it?"

"Yes... somethings off about her. You didn't see her body, but when I dressed her- Dylan she's covered in scars and her back...its uneven...curved..."

"Scars? Why would she... I don't know if I like this. This is wrong."

"They're mates though Dylan. Finally. He's finally... But I never thought..."

Silence continues in the room until I hear footsteps, followed by a low growl.

One that sent my flesh searing.

And then a voice.

A voice that had my heart speeding up to create a painful sensation within my chest.

"I know you are awake."

I open my eyes.

Anxiety runs through me at the sight of the three people that stand over me.

Until my view catches on one person.

Everything within my vision blurs around me. The only thing I can focus on is the male before me.

I know immediately who he is.

Grey eyes stare back at me.

They are framed by long, shoulder length blond hair and an unkempt full beard. The male is tall. Taller than the other two who are in the room. Yet he does not have the build that I normally see within shifters.

Instead of hard thick muscles, his body is coiled in a thin wiry kind. His frame seems to be sunken in.

Hollow cheeks, hollow eyes and a hollow stomach as I take in the full effect of his appearance.

He, in turn, stares at me.

Examining me.

"Male," I whisper the name I had been calling him within my mind, "so you finally appear."

Those grey eyes flash at me, blinking twice before he steps away to lean against the wall. He crosses his arms, silent and watchful.

I frown. Not much about his attitude had changed from the transition of wolf to skin. Just like the wolf, he is wild. Everything in his presence, stance and look shows a rugged and unkept handsomeness that had developed over time when he had no care to maintain his outer appearance.

My attention is captured as the other two come forward.

A female and male.

I can tell straight away from their features and scent that they are the male's parents.

"Hello," the father whispers his words, caution clear in his eyes as he looks down at me. The mother is smiling, but I can also sense a weariness coming from her, "I'm Dylan. This is my mate, Camilla."

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