4. Recruited

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I MOVED ASIDE, blood roaring in my ears as I let Agent Kavanagh come in. He walked into the living room, as silent as me, and even the hinges didn't dare squeak when I shut the door.

I turned to face him, and Kavanagh was looking around, seemingly uninterested in what he saw. He kept his coat on, despite the warmth of the day, and if he had a gun, it was hidden.

"Is something wrong?" I asked, trying not to sound scared. Was this about the syringe? My heart dropped as it dawned on me that they may think I stole it. I had it, after all, right under my bed, with my fingerprints all over it.

Kavanagh looked at me, and his gaze settled on my neck. I tried not to react. I should've worn a turtleneck, maybe dabbled with Mom's makeup, just anything to cover up that stupid bump people seemed to be noticing.

"Mosquito bite?" he asked, turning to inspect the family pictures on the wall.

"Is something wrong?" I repeated.

His evasiveness was killing me. I'd never met a federal agent before; heck, I'd never talked to a cop or even a security guard. His swept his eyes across the apartment again with practiced patience, and he clearly didn't care that I was standing there, my feet close together, my expression tight, waiting for an answer.

"Where's your mother?" he asked.

"She's taking a shower," I said, gesturing toward the loud sound of running water coming from the end of the hallway. "I can go get her."

"Actually, no. This doesn't need to concern her."

My mouth dropped open a little in surprise. He was telling me to lie to my mother? Was I not supposed to let her know that he was here? "Is something wrong?" I repeated for the third time.

He pointed to my neck. "I'm here about that."

If the floor opened up and swallowed me, I would be thankful. Lie! I urged myself, but Kavanagh would see right through it. We both knew it wasn't a mosquito bite.

"What about it?" I asked stiffly.

"This is about Henderson Technologies, about certain abilities that normal people don't have, and about safety." He suddenly came closer.

My first instinct was to take a step back, but the couch was behind me, so I just stood there uncomfortably.

He was about to speak, but the sound of a door opening made us both freeze. I held my breath, knowing that Mom was out of the bathroom, but I heard her walk in the other direction, to her bedroom, leaving us behind and unseen.

"Are you done with the soup?" she called out.

I glanced at my bowl, which was mostly full, and glanced at Kavanagh. He stayed silent, but he raised an eyebrow.

"Almost done!" I replied.

I waited for her hair dryer to turn on before exhaling. I was too confused to figure out what to ask next. Henderson Technologies...that was it, that was what was written on the syringe. It was a research company headquartered in Manhattan, and it was on the news that something had been stolen from them. That would explain the FBI agent in my home.

"Can you explain?" I asked timidly.

He made a move toward the door. "I'll be at your school tomorrow at dismissal," he said, turning the knob gently.

I thought he would say more, but he only gave me a slight nod and left. When the door was closed behind him, I simply stood there, dumbfounded. In a matter of days, I saved a man from falling of a roof, got attacked by said man, gained superpowers, successfully avoided Dana Edgar, stopped a necklace robber, helped win the Academic Bowl, and got visited by an FBI agent who told me to lie to my mother.

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