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Malika called Zayd faking tears as she says "zayd... Zayd.. Afna..an"
"what.. Malika what happened to afnan please tell me" zayd demanded worriedly,

Malika smirked as she thumps up at amina "zayd afnan has been lying here unconscious for about 2 days now, now we're even currently at the hospital, she has been admitted please Zayd come here we need you please .. Zayd please..." with that she disconnected the call and then switched off the phone

Both Malika and amina celebrated their victory because they both know for sure that Zayd would come back to Nigeria sooner than before

... ....


As soon as malika disconnected the call Zayd tried to call her again but the phone was switched off.. He quickly called his mother greeted her then he asked whether afnan was admitted or not and of course she said that afnan was admitted due to the lie that Malika told them too

Oh Allah Zayd whispered thinking of what to do.. He called his business partners telling them that he was going to have to travel back to Nigeria because his daughter is sick and then he called his pilot and also told him about it and his jet was promised to be ready by then

He saunter into Hanan's room and where he found her on the bed sleeping peacefully, he didn't want to disturb her sleep but what to do he had to , he walked to her closet brought out her boxes and then he arranged her clothes in the three luggage after arranging everything

He ambled out of her room to his, packed his luggage and freshen up he then got dress in a black jeans, black shirt with an ash blazer, spraying himself with his expensive cologne, then he top it up with his Rolex wrist watch. He went back to hanan's room to find out that she was still sleeping.

"Hanan!!" he called out tapping her shoulder, uhmm... She groaned stretching her arms, "wake up Hanan we need to go, we are going back to Nigeria" he said and she stared at him with wide eyes, "yes Afnan is sick and has been admitted to a hospital" he said causing her to stand up as she groans out in pain clutching her stomach, "sorry" he said,

she smile saying she just needed to freshen up please,he nod his head and left the room, stopping by the kitchen to make something for her to eat

He made banana smoothie for her and fried some samosas, while she on the other hand freshen up and got dressed in a simple blue ankara gown, she weakly draped a black veil over her head then put on her black flats

She sauntered out of her room sluggishly dragging two of her trolleys, Zayd who was impatiently seated on the sofa trying malika's number stood up collected the trolleys from her and took it to the front door where his own luaggage were kept before walking back to her room to get the last one.
He made sure she ate her lunch before they left.

They finally reached Nigeria,

Two cars were parked in front of the main door, Zayd's driver greeted them with a smile,zayd smiled back answering his greetings and Hanan also did the same.
They entered the black benz as their luggage were loaded in the blue Siena parked behind them.

"Where to sir?"his driver asked

Zayd looked at Hanan, who was winching in pain as she palm her tummy also looking very weak too, "should we drop you home before going to the hospital" he asks and she shook her head saying she would go to the hospital with him "you sure?" he asked just to be sure

Hanan nod her head. "Alright then" Zayd agreed as he turned to the driver and said "to the Hospital please" the driver nod his head

It was an hour drive from the airport to the hospital and by the time they got there it was already time for magrib.

They both walked into the hospital after Zayd asked her again whether she was okay or not, she lied saying she's okay.

He called his sister Salma asking her the room number. "Yaya you are back??" she ask shocked, "yes Salma now just tell me the room number" he said clearly annoyed, "VIP suite room 3" she answered , "Ok thanks" he said disconnecting the call.

They walked to the VIP suite and knocked on room 3 door, "come in" they heard a voice said and he pushed the door open.

The room was almost filled up with malika's friends/relatives then Aunt meema with the twins Salma and farha. Baby Afnan on the bed sleeping with IV tube connected to her small hand. Malika was sitting on the bed beside sleeping afnan, All dressed in a green Ankara wrapper and a black t-shirt with a black scarf on her head.

"Ina wuni ya Zayd(Good Afternoon)" they all greeted as they stepped into the room.
"Ina gajiya" he answered, Amina looked at Malika smiling mischievously,if you see the look that Malika and her family and friends were giving Hanan. malika stood up with a large smile plastered on her face as she ran toward him hugging him tight.

"I missed you so much Zayd" she said while the twins pulled Hanan into an enamored hug, all her friends and relatives left the room each sending a dirty glare at Hanan, the twins also left the room, she ignored them as she felt her heart beat increased when malika put her hand over Zayds shoulder her lips hovering over Zayd's, he quickly pulled out walking to Afnan side. Malika smirked as she took a look at hanans face then followed his track to his side, Hanan who was by the door tried to blink away the tears that was threatening to fall

"What happened to her" he ask touching afnan's forehead,

"she has been vomiting for a few days now then all of the sudden she fell unconscious so I had to bring her to the hospital but now the doctors said that she is okay, we would be discharged tomorrow " Malika said hugging Zayd from behind" and you know babe I was so scared that something might happen to her" zayd uncomfortably pulled Malika to meet his gaze "she would be okay insha Allah!"

Malika tried her best to make Hanan feel uncomfortable either by trying to kiss Zayd or by hugging him

"Uhmmm... Hanan why don't you come and see her " zayd demanded sitting on a chair beside the bed

Hanan uncomfortably shift to afnan's cradle, she looked at her that's when she saw Malika resemblance with afnan, as she reach to touch her, malika who was annoyed quickly snapped at her saying" don't you dare touch my daughter with your filthy hands... Bitch I know that you are jealous because my husband doesn't give you the attention that you actually don't deserve... And of course I know that you are trying to charm my husband to stay away from me that's why you convinced that old man to let Zayd travel with you I know all that.. " Malika said.." "no that's not.. "hanan started but Malika interrupted" shut up idiot "

" MALIKA!!!" zayd shouted full with rage,

Hanan let her tears fall malika's words hurting her already wounded heart over and over again, her words were adding salt to her wound, her words made Hanan feel unwanted and alone in the world..

" I have to go " hanan said running out of the room




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