Verse Five

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His touch felt like fireworks on my body.  It sent shivers running down my spine and I couldn't help the blush that creeped onto my cheeks as his fingers connected with the bare flesh...of my arm as he guided me past the paparazzi that had somehow snuck onto his personal property. 

They were like piranhas, constantly yelling and flashing their cameras at us as if we would crumble under their gaze and some even had the nerve to ask if we'd had sex yet!

I was bombarded with the need to yell back at them and tell them to suck it, but Sebastian's warm grip on my skin kept me grounded and I followed him inside him luxurious home and somehow he kept the photographers out. 

"Damn after parties always get like this.  I'm gonna call my security team and have them kicked off the premises, but I don't think its a good idea for you to go back to your place tonight, they'll just follow your car and find out who you are and constantly stalk you to get a story, I'm sorry," he said and I just stared up at him wide eyed. 

In the bright lights of his home, he looked even more like a rockstar than he did in the car. 

His jet black hair was still wet from the rain shower and his green eyes pierced into me as if they could see straight to my soul.  

He was waiting for an answer from me and I was just staring at him like a lunatic!  Think Holly, think! Use your brain, form words, something!

"O-Okay," I said, stuttering out something so that he wouldn't think that I was absolutely insane.

"Here's my guest room," he said, steering me towards an empty room decorated with light blues and oranges that made the room feel very tropical.  There was a four poster Queen sized bed in the middle of the room and there was an attached guest bathroom on the other side of the room. 

"Thank you," I said sheepishly, my heart thundering in my chest. 

"Well, I'm gonna go call the security.  Make yourself at home, I'll make sure the party gets cleared out so you can get some rest."

I nodded once and looked around again, dropping my bag onto the bed in the middle of the room. 

How did things suddenly become so ridiculously awkward?

I felt him walk up behind me, his body heat flowing into me like lava down a volcano.  I shivered. 

"I really am sorry for the mix up.  Maybe you can find your friend here since this is the only after party and all," he said and I nodded, not turning around. 

"Not much of a talker anymore?" He asked me and I shook my head, refusing to trust my voice in a situation like this. 

He chuckled at my sudden shyness. 

"And why is that?  I couldn't get you to shut up in the car."

"Oh please, you were the one bragging about how anyone would love to be kidnapped by you, obviously that's not the truth with me standing right here and I'm definitely not amused," I snapped at him, not meaning to. 

His green, sparkling eyes widened in surprise, his eyebrows shooting up at my sudden outburst. 

"And there she is!  Thought I lost you there for a second.  I like it when you speak your mind to me, too many people are fake in this world and its refreshing to meet someone who doesn't care, you know?"

"Oh I care, I just don't think it matters.  You're human just like me.  You just simply have more money and talent.  That's about it..."

"I wouldn't say that.  I heard you in that microphone tonight, I'd say you're got some hidden talent there as well."

I blushed. 

"What is talent without courage to actually do something with it?" I asked him, and I saw his eyes crinkle in thought. 

"All it took for me was a few seconds of courage to post my music to the internet, and then all of my dreams were at my fingertips.  I tell myself that every time I'm about to step on stage.  I just need a few seconds of courage to walk out and open my mouth to sing, and then the nerve disappear once I just bite the bullet and do it."

"Wow, how philosophical.  You should write a self help book," I said to him with a smirk as I turned around and noticed a heady gaze painted on his sharp features. 

"What?" I asked him, immediately bringing my hands to my face as if there was something on it. 

"Nothing, its just..." he trailed off, his hands reaching forward towards my face as he brushed a stray strand of hair off of me. 

"Just what?"

"I've never met anyone so blunt and outspoken before.  Never met anyone like you..."

His breath fanned across my face and I could smell the spearmint from the gum he'd been chewing.  I gulped. 

My entire head had to be leaned backwards in order to see his face fully since he was so freakishly tall, and I'll admit, for a second there I was about to incline on my tiptoes and press my lips against his just to see how it would feel, but then I thought better of it. 

What kind of super star wanted to be with an ordinary girl like me?

I took a step back and put my hands across my chest, effectively shutting down whatever my stupid brain was planning on doing earlier. 

He had a strange look on his face when I put the distance between us, almost disappointed but then I thought better of that thought.  No way he was disappointed. 

I'm sure he saw plenty of girls that were so much prettier than me, who could do their make up better, who didn't have imperfections and were popular and had millions of followers on Instagram.  He didn't want anything to do with me except to borrow my best friends car with me accidentally inside it. 

I cleared my throat. 

"Well, then I guess you need to expand your circle of people that you meet because there's a lot of outspoken people out there, I guess you just have to accidentally kidnap them for you to meet them," I joked, trying to lighten the mood. 

He cracked a smile and I almost swooned. 

He was about to say something but a chirping noise started coming from his pocket and it was as if the entire atmosphere in the room changed. 

When he saw the number on the screen, it was like his mood soured and he held up a finger, motioning that he would only be a minute. 

I turned around and looked at the decor of the room once more.  I walked over to the bed and pulled my phone out of my purse to check my messages as he talked animatedly on the phone with someone that I could tell he didn't like talking to.

"I told you, it's not finished yet!"

A few moments of silence passed before he spoke again. 

"When I finish it, now can you please drop it?" he almost yelled, making me jump a bit. 

I was glad that his tone of voice wasn't directed at me otherwise I would have been shaking in my boots. He sounded scary when he was angry, his voice almost a growl.

"Good.  Now call my security detail and get those trespassers off my property, and can you clear the party out too while you're at it?  Thanks.  And don't bring it up again," he said, ending the call. 

"Sorry about that, it was my manager.  Anyways, like I was saying, make yourself at home and I'll be leaving you to it.  I have some spare clothes in the dresser and a few robes if you want a shower.  This room is where my sister stays when she comes by so she might have some clothes that fit you left over, take whatever you need," he said and I nodded my head at his words. 

"Thanks that's very generous of you."

He gave me a mysterious smile before saying his final parting words to me. 

"No problem.  Sleep well, Holly Vickers."

He winked and I think I almost passed out. 

"You too, Sebastian Jennings."

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