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The world was dark and the noises around were fuzzy and unclear, but I managed to make out some of what the noises were saying.

"Why is she here?"

"How the heck do you know her?"

"I know her because she helped me survive on the streets!"

"She helped you."

"Uh huh."

"She helped you, Eric Sulley, survive on the streets before we picked you up?"

"That's what I was saying!"

"But she's so... Small."

I could practically hear Eric smile as he said, "Oh yes, she is very tiny."

I cracked open an eye and grumbled, "But I can still kick your sorry butt."

"Heather!" He cried, scooping me into his arms.

"Ow! Hey, hey, hey! Watch it, I'm injured!" I scolded. Eric ignored me and continued to squeeze me to death.

"H, I've missed you so much! What have you been up too?" He said as he finally released me.

"Oh you know, the usual. Faked myself a life to get into school, nicking snacks from here and there, getting freaking kidnapped," I exclaimed.

Miguel Adams glared at me from the corner. I shrugged innocently before glaring at Eric.

"Eric," I growled, my emotions suddenly switching from excited to betrayed in a matter of seconds.

Eric shrunk back at my tone and bullet gaze and nervously said, "Yes?"

My face fell as I sighed, "You left me, Eric. We had plans for a better life. We were gonna make it. But you left me, a fourteen year old girl all alone in the streets of New York, to fend for myself."

"Heather, it's not like that-" Eric desperately tried to reason.

"I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD!" I screamed, my already sore throat felt like it was tearing in half. A lone tear began rolling down my check and I could feel my nose beginning to run. "I woke up and you were gone. All your stuff was still sitting exactly where you left it. I thought maybe you had gone to the ring, but when I got there no one had seen you. I was so distraught, I wasn't paying attention. You were my protector, I never had to be scared when you were with me. I've always been small, and some guy drug me into an ally..." I trailed off.

My eyes were red and bloodshot and Eric looked terrified. "Oh, Heather..."

I sniffed and continued, "I got away, but barely. Mike, you know the bar tender? He took pity on me and told me to go to the ally next to the drug store, and you know what I found?"

Eric took a sharp intake of breath.

"Blood. And lots of it. I was certain you had been killed. And yeah, I taught you how to live when your parents kicked you out and yeah, I can survive on my own. I've been doing pretty dang well. But it sure was a heck of a lot easier when I had you. I trusted you with everything. Do you know how hard it is to gain my trust? And you know where it got me? It got me beat up and mugged every other day before I learned how to fight being my size. It got me stealing food instead of earning it with you. It got me here, kidnapped, and alone. You didn't deserve my trust, I should've left you at the bus station that I found you crying at." I spit. My adrenalin was pumping and I leaped to my feet despite the pain and dizziness.

I stormed into the mansion, leaving a broken brother behind me. When a heavily tattooed man snatched me and drug me back to me room, I didn't bother to fight. I was thrown harshly into the room and the door slammed shut behind me.

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