Let Me Sing You A Song

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Just a beautiful normal day in the village of Trolls, there was a beautiful troll named Poppy.

She's kind, caring, and sweet. It's easy for lots of trolls to love her.

But her eyes are only for one troll


Secretly has a crush on the blue troll makes her curious about him

"Why is he so grumpy?"

"Why is he so unhappy?"

"I never hear him sing for even once! Can he sing?"

"Why does he look so huggable....!"

"He got his colors but why don't he sing, party or any normal troll would do!"

The problem is...

Where in the heck world is Branch?

She haven't see him for 2 weeks! It makes her curious plus concern about him

So she went to his bunker to find the male grey troll was not there

He was no where to be found!

And you bet! It concern her more than before!

"Guys!" She said running onto the Snack Pack

Her friends turned to their 'very' frustrated friend

"What's up Poppy? Is there something wrong?" The glittery troll that known as Guy Diamond or GD asked with his funny-ish autotune India accent

"Yeah Poppy...seeing you like that making us especially Mr. Dinkles concern about you" The chubby giant troll that known as Biggie concernly ask her while patting his glowworm pet

GD put his glittery hand on the pink troll's shoulder in concern as one of the Snack Pack personal levitate in a calming way to them "Poppy...i can sense your aura stressing about something, mind telling us what it is?"

"Creek!" Poppy exclaimed, frustatedly running her hands through her own hair "I can't find Branch!"

"That's all?" The purple troll weirdly ask

"I haven't seen him for the past two days!"

"Well knowing Branch's supplies in his bunker he just probably hiding there after he collected enough supplies for him to stay and lock himself there forever"

"Creek" She sternly stares at him "Branch would never do that! Plus I've checked his bunker more than 5 times!"

"Well then...just relax he's probably just got tired by this place and move on to another place" Creek that were being so calm is getting annoyed and 'slightly' jealous for her concern about the blue troll

"B..but...he can't just leave without saying a goodbye! That's it! If he's leaving i'm going to chase him and..and give him a proper goodbye!"

"Do whatever you think it's good to do Poppy"

"Thank you Creek" She smiles a bit before doing a loud whistling to call a humming bird and mount it chasing the grey troll she thought was leaving

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