Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Enjoy reading!!! :D

Emily's POV

We got back last night. Mr. Clifford or Daniel as I like to call it in my head gave me the day off.

I would have skipped the day even if he had not give it off. The trip was great. I mean, it was mostly bussiness. But it was successful. We got the deal.

My thoughts went back when me and daniel danced. I remember how a little blush appeared on my cheeks when we finished dancing.

It was so awkward between us after that. Daniel and I are boss/assistant for hell's sake. Why were we dancing? And at such a romantic song!

The song had to be 'thinking out loud'. Look at the clicheness of the moment.

I didn't look at him in the eye after the dance. I don't know why? Oh yeah. Because I am stupid. It was just a dance.

A very normal thing.

Something has changed between us since that night. I can't quite pinpoint but I can feel it.

He isn't that bad. Maybe I was mistaken by his personality at first. Well, no. He really was douchebag at start but I think he has started to get comfortable with me.

And I am glad. If anyone has told me few days ago that I would be thinking about daniel without cussing him. Then I would have slapped them and called them crazy.

My way of looking at him has completely changed. I don't think of him as an asshole.

I wonder why he has become like this. Maybe he is still guilty because of the things that he said to me that night?

No. I don't think so. I shook my head. Anyways. I am goung spend the whole day in my bed.

Fun. I know.

I turned on my laptop to watch a movie or something. I am so bored. I checked the time and saw that its 11 am.

And I still have not got out of bed. I have been laying here since I woke up. After a longtime I had a very nice and long sleep.

I searched on google the best movies and was scrolling through it when my phone started ringing.

Who is calling? My phone is on the other side of the room and I am too lazy to grab it. I sighed. Maybe its is from daniel?

I took the laptop out of my lap and placed it on the bed and then got up and walked where my phone was getting charged.

The time I reached there the phone stopped ringing. I checked it and saw that it's from david.

I smiled and unplugged it. It is hundred percent charged. I remember plugging it before I went to sleep.

I called back and david picked up instantly. I then went back to bed and laid down as I answered.

"Hello". I greeted.

"Hey! How was la?"

Romantic? "Busy". I answered.

He laughed. "So why did you call?". I asked.

"Uh- I wanted to talk to you about something". He said a bit nervously.

I frowned. What does he want to talk about? I remember when daniel said these words and then everything went down the hill.

But everything is great now.. so. "Ok". I answered a bit uncertained.

"Is everything okay?". I asked.

"Yeah. Yeah, everything is cool. Just wanted to see you". He said.

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