Ch. Thirty- Two

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The week went by quickly and boring and very lonely. Nobody was home during the day and Luke usually went over to Jack or Adam's after school if he didn't have a captain meeting.

"So you're coming over tonight, right?" Ariana asked me over the phone on Saturday.

"Yup. Give me like, half an hour to pack."

"Kay, see you then." And with that, she hung up.

I packed an outfit for tomorrow, my toothbrush, and my hairbrush in a string bag before changing into pajama shorts and a white tank top before fishtail braiding my hair down my back.

I threw the bag over my shoulder and trotted down the stairs into the kitchen.

"Where are you going?" My mom asked.

"Over to Ariana's." I responded casually.

"Really?" Luke asked with a chuckle.

I gave him a strange look. "Uh, yeah. Why?" I asked slowly.

He shrugged and hopped off of the stool that he was on. "No reason. See ya later, mom." He called, grabbing his keys and leaving out the door without even saying goodbye to me.

I huffed. "Rude."

"Hey, girly, why don't you take these cupcakes over to Ariana's house?" My mom asked, handing me a plastic container with six frosted homemade cupcakes in it.

"When did you make cupcakes?" I asked.

"I didn't. A lady at work gave them to me but I've eaten enough and I don't want them to go to waste. I have to go back to work tonight and I won't be back until about eight in the morning, so don't come home." She explained.

I sighed. "Fine. I'll see you tomorrow." I hugged my mom goodbye and then made my way out the front door, towards Ariana's house.

When I got into her room, her and Allison were sitting on the bed with teen magazines open.

"Hey." I chirped.

They both looked up at me with wild grins.

I chuckled. "What's so exciting?"

"Chris Malcom is single!" Allison squealed.

Again, I let out a bark of laughter and joined them on the bed. "So?"

"So?!" Ariana shrieked. "So you're going to his birthday party!"

"Yeah. And you think that means that he's going to ask me out, we're going to fall in love, and then I'll be world's most envied girl and we'll live happily ever after?"

They both nodded vigorously. "That's exactly what's going to happen!"

I rolled my eyes. "You guys are such dreamers. I doubt that I'll even get to meet him. This party is going to be huge."

"But he invited you, of course he's going to want to meet you." Allison said excitedly.

"Scotty will want to meet you too." Ariana added, wriggling her eyebrows.

I grabbed a pillow and hit her in the head with it. "He won't even be there." I said firmly.

"You're just in denial." She sang.

I rolled my eyes. "Here, just eat these cupcakes." I said, handing her the container of cupcakes.

"Cupcakes!" Allison squealed, intercepting the cupcakes and throwing the lid across the room.

I started laughing. "You're such a pig!"

She sent me a glare before devouring one of the cupcakes and giving the container over to Ariana who also devoured her own.

Little Miss PerfectTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang