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Introspection is the "observation or examination of one's own mental and emotional state, mental processes, etc.; the act of looking within oneself."

This is related to having questions about who you are, what you are, and why. It's important to examine why we believe that we are nonhuman.

Here are some sample questions to ask yourself. Keep in mind that you may not have the answers right away. That's okay. It's also okay if weeks, months, or years later, you realize that your answers have changed. Many people have taken years to understand this aspect about themselves and conclude whether or not they were indeed Therians.

Questions to Ask Yourself

Why do I think I'm a Therianthrope? Is it from spiritual or psychological causes?

Do I experience therianthropic shifts? If not, do my experiences match that of a Contherian?

Am I tricking myself into feeling shifts or do they occur naturally/involuntarily?

Does Modern Therianthropy explain feelings I've had prior to discovering the term or community?

Do I really have any behaviors that I attribute to being nonhuman? What are those behaviors? Why do I consider them to be non-human? Did I act this way before finding the online community?

When I have dreams, are they really related to my Therianthropy?

Are my memories really from past lives or did I just visualize what I wanted to see?

Am I just doing this for fun or is this really a part of who I am and an identity for me?

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